Abert's Towhee Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Acorn Woodpecker Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
American Avocet Alamosa NWR, CO June, 2016 |  |
American Bittern Omaha, NE May, 2009 |  |
American Coot Barr Lake SP, CO May, 2023 |  |
American Crow Atlantic Beach, NC December, 2008 |  |
American Goldfinch Bellevue, NE April, 2009 |  |
American Kestrel Bellevue (La Platte Bottoms), NE March, 2011 |  |
American Pipit Bitter Lake NWR, NM March, 2010 |  |
American Redstart Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2018 |  |
American Robin Bellevue, NE April, 2009 |  |
American Tree Sparrow Bellevue, NE January, 2011 |  |
American White Pelican Bartlett, IA April, 2012 |  |
American Wigeon Bellevue (La Platte Bottoms), NE March, 2011 |  |
Anna's Hummingbird Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Ash-Throated Flycatcher Laguna Atascosa NWR, TX May, 2011 |  |
Audubon's Warbler Boulder (Walden Ponds), CO May, 2008 |  |
Bald Eagle Bellevue (Offutt Base Lake), NE November, 2008 |  |
Baltimore Oriole Bellevue, NE May, 2018 |  |
Bank Swallow Cheyenne Bottoms WA, KS April. 2024 |  |
Barn Owl Barr Lake SP, CO August, 2009 |  |
Barn Swallow Rocky Mountain NP, CO May, 2023 |  |
Barred Owl Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2011 |  |
Barrow's Goldeneye Yellowstone NP (West Thumb), WY May, 2012 |  |
Belted Kingfisher Bellevue (Offutt Base Lake), NE April, 2011 |  |
Berylline Hummingbird Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Bewick's Wren Palo Duro Canyon SP, TX March, 2018 |  |
Black Skimmer South Padre Island, TX March, 2011 |  |
Black Tern Cheyenne Bottoms WA, KS August, 2023 |  |
Black-and-White Warbler Tuttle Creek SP, KS May, 2024 |  |
Black-bellied Whistling Duck South Padre Island (WBC), TX May, 2011 |  |
Black-billed Magpie Rocky Mountain NP, CO May, 2023 |  |
Black-capped Chickadee Bellevue, NE December, 2010 |  |
Black-chinned Hummingbird Chimney Rock NM, CO June, 2016 |  |
Black-crested Titmouse Brownsville (Sabal Palm), TX May, 2011 |  |
Black-crowned Night-Heron Glendale, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Black-headed Grosbeak Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Black-necked Stilt South Padre Island (WBC), TX May, 2011 |  |
Blackpoll Warbler Tuttle Creek SP, KS May, 2024 |  |
Black-throated Gray Warbler Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP, CO May, 2016 |  |
Black-throated Sparrow Amistad NRA, TX March, 2010 |  |
Blue Grosbeak Clinton Lake SP, KS May, 2023 |  |
Blue Jay Bellevue, NE January, 2011 |  |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2013 |  |
Blue-headed Vireo Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2011 |  |
Blue-throated Hummingbird Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Blue-winged Teal Bellevue (La Platte Bottoms), NE March, 2011 |  |
Blue-winged Warbler Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2018 |  |
Bobolink Pottawatomie County, KS May, 2023 |  |
Bonaparte's Gull Bellevue (Offutt Base Lake), NE April, 2010 |  |
Brandt's Cormorant Monterey, CA August, 2007 |  |
Brewer's Sparrow Natural Bridges NM, UT September, 2020 |  |
Broad-billed Hummingbird Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Broad-tailed Hummingbird Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Broad-winged Hawk Clear Lake SP, MI July, 2008 |  |
Brown Creeper Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE January, 2011 |  |
Brown Thrasher Kingsport, TN May, 2013 |  |
Brown-crested Flycatcher Brownsville (Sabal Palm), TX May, 2011 |  |
Brown-headed Cowbird Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE April, 2009 |  |
Bufflehead Lake Manawa SP, IA March, 2011 |  |
Bullock's Oriole Bellvue (Watson Lake), CO May, 2023 |  |
California Gull Bandon Beach, OR May, 2007 |  |
California Quail Ogden, UT May, 2012 |  |
Canada Goose Lake Manawa SP, IA February, 2011 |  |
Canada Jay Rocky Mountain NP, CO April, 2021 |  |
Canvasback Medicine Lake, MT May, 2008 |  |
Canyon Towhee Bitter Lake NWR, NM March, 2010 |  |
Cape May Warbler Omaha, NE May, 2014 |  |
Carolina Chickadee Kingsport, TN May, 2013 |  |
Carolina Wren Manhattan, KS January, 2024 |  |
Cassin's Kingbird Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Cattle Egret Bellevue (La Platte Bottoms), NE July, 2008 |  |
Cave Swallow Rosebud County, MT May, 2008 |  |
Cedar Waxwing Bellevue, NE March, 2010 |  |
Chestnut-sided Warbler Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2018 |  |
Chipping Sparrow Bellevue, NE May, 2019 |  |
Cinnamon Teal Alamosa NWR, CO June, 2016 |  |
Clay-colored Sparrow Tuttle Creek SP, KS April, 2024 |  |
Common Gallinule Henderson (Bird Viewing Preserve), NV September, 2020 |  |
Common Goldeneye Lake Manawa SP, IA February, 2011 |  |
Common Grackle Bellevue, NE May, 2008 |  |
Common Loon Bellevue (Offutt Base Lake), NE April, 2016 |  |
Common Merganser Cass County, NE March, 2011 |  |
Common Moorhen Brownsville (Sabal Palm), TX May, 2011 |  |
Common Murre Pebble Beach, CA August, 2007 |  |
Common Raven Grand Canyon NP, AZ August, 2020 |  |
Common Yellowthroat Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2020 |  |
Cooper's Hawk Bellevue, NE February, 2011 |  |
Couch's Kingbird Brownsville (Sabal Palm), TX May, 2011 |  |
Crested Caracara Laguna Atascosa NWR, TX May, 2011 |  |
Curve-billed Thrasher Glendale, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Dark-eyed Junco Bellevue, NE January, 2011 |  |
Dickcissel Bellevue, NE June, 2020 |  |
Double-crested Cormorant Bellevue (Offutt Base Lake), NE October, 2008 |  |
Downy Woodpecker Bellevue, NE November, 2012 |  |
Dunlin Cheyenne Bottoms WA, KS April, 2024 |  |
Dusky Flycatcher Canyonlands NP, UT September, 2020 |  |
Eared Grebe Sheridan County, NE June, 2021 |  |
Eastern Bluebird Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2009 |  |
Eastern Kingbird Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2009 |  |
Eastern Meadowlark Clinton Lake SP, KS July, 2023 |  |
Eastern Phoebe Tuttle Creek SP, KS April, 2024 |  |
Eastern Towhee Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE April, 2013 |  |
Eastern Wood-Pewee Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2020 |  |
Eurasian Collared-Dove Wildcat Hills SRA, NE September, 2023 |  |
European Starling Bellevue, NE January, 2011 |  |
Field Sparrow Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE April, 2018 |  |
Fox Sparrow Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE April, 2011 |  |
Franklin's Gull Cheyenne Bottoms WA, KS April, 2024 |  |
Gadwall Bellevue (La Platte Bottoms), NE March, 2011 |  |
Gambel's Quail Grand Junction, CO May, 2016 |  |
Gila Woodpecker Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Glaucous-winged Gull Port Angeles, WA November, 2021 |  |
Glossy Ibis Tuttle Creek SP, KS May, 2024 |  |
Golden-fronted Woodpecker Bentsen SP, TX June, 2011 |  |
Gray Catbird Bellevue, NE May, 2020 |  |
Gray-headed Junco Florissant NM, CO April, 2008 |  |
Great Blue Heron Tuttle Creek SP, KS May, 2023 |  |
Great Crested Flycatcher Manhattan (Konza Prairie), KS May, 2024 |  |
Great Egret Fort Pierce, FL November, 2016 |  |
Great Kiskadee Bentsen SP, TX June, 2011 |  |
Greater Roadrunner Palo Duro Canyon SP, TX March, 2018 |  |
Greater Scaup Yellowstone NP, WY July, 2007 |  |
Greater White-fronted Goose Tuttle Creek SP, KS April, 2024 |  |
Greater Yellowlegs Bellevue (La Platte Bottoms), NE March, 2011 |  |
Great-horned Owl Boulder, CO April, 2008 |  |
Great-tailed Grackle Amarillo, TX March, 2018 |  |
Green Heron Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2013 |  |
Green Jay Brownsville (Sabal Palm), TX May, 2011 |  |
Green-tailed Towhee Rocky Mountain NP, CO May, 2023 |  |
Green-winged Teal Bellevue (La Platte Bottoms), NE March, 2011 |  |
Hairy Woodpecker Bellevue, NE May, 2021 |  |
Harris' Sparrow Tuttle Creek SP, KS May, 2023 |  |
Heermann's Gull Sand City, CA August, 2007 |  |
Hepatic Tanager Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Hermit Thrush Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE March, 2011 |  |
Hooded Merganser Bellevue (Offutt Base Lake), NE March, 2011 |  |
Hooded Oriole Bentsen SP, TX June, 2011 |  |
Hooded Warbler Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2013 |  |
Horned Grebe Bellevue (Offutt Base Lake), NE March, 2011 |  |
Horned Lark Ness County, KS May, 2023 |  |
House Finch Bellevue, NE May, 2010 |  |
House Sparrow Bellevue, NE October, 2008 |  |
House Wren Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2012 |  |
Inca Dove Glendale, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Indigo Bunting Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2013 |  |
Kentucky Warbler Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2013 |  |
Killdeer Bellevue (La Platte Bottoms), NE March, 2011 |  |
Ladder-backed Woodpecker Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Lark Bunting Ness County, KS May, 2023 |  |
Lark Sparrow Wildcat Hills SRA, NE July, 2015 |  |
Laughing Gull South Padre Island, TX May, 2011 |  |
Least Flycatcher Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2014 |  |
Least Grebe Brownsville (Sabal Palm), TX May, 2011 |  |
Least Sandpiper Plattsmouth (Schilling WMA), NE August, 2008 |  |
Lesser Goldfinch Wildcat Hills SRA, NE July, 2015 |  |
Lesser Scaup Bellevue (Offutt Base Lake), NE March, 2017 |  |
Lesser Yellowlegs Bellevue (La Platte Bottoms), NE March, 2011 |  |
Lincoln's Sparrow Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2018 |  |
Loggerhead Shrike Crittenden County, AR January, 2010 |  |
Long-billed Dowitcher Cheyenne Bottoms WA, KS April, 2024 |  |
Long-billed Thrasher Bentsen SP, TX June, 2011 |  |
Long-eared Owl Papillion (Walnut Creek), NE December, 2011 |  |
Long-tailed Duck Omaha (Levi Carter Park), NE November, 2017 |  |
Louisiana Waterthrush Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2014 |  |
Lucifer Hummingbird Hereford, AZ July,2009 |  |
Magnificent Hummingbird Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Magnolia Warbler Tuttle Creek SP, KS May, 2024 |  |
Mallard Boulder (Walden Ponds), CO April, 2008 |  |
Marsh Wren Alamosa NWR, CO June, 2016 |  |
Masked Duck Brownsville (Sabal Palm), TX May, 2011 |  |
Merlin Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE October, 2008 |  |
Mexican Jay Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Mississippi Kite Manhattan, KS August, 2023 |  |
Mottled Duck Brownsville (Sabal Palm), TX May, 2011 |  |
Mountain Bluebird Rocky Mountain NP, CO May, 2023 |  |
Mountain Chickadee Rocky Mountain NP, CO May, 2023 |  |
Mountain Plover Potter, NE July, 2015 |  |
Mourning Dove Bellevue, NE May, 2019 |  |
Mourning Warbler Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2011 |  |
Mute Swan Pentwater, MI July, 2008 |  |
Nashville Warbler Bryce Canyon NP, UT September, 2020 |  |
Northern Bobwhite Sherman County, NE May, 2008 |  |
Northern Cardinal Kingsport, TN May, 2014 |  |
Northern Flicker Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2020 |  |
Northern Harrier Quivira NWR, KS March, 2010 |  |
Northern Mockingbird Bentsen SP, TX June, 2011 |  |
Northern Parula Tuttle Creek SP, KS May, 2024 |  |
Northern Pintail Bellevue (La Platte Bottoms), NE March, 2011 |  |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2021 |  |
Northern Shoveler Cheyenne Bottoms WA, KS April, 2024 |  |
Northern Shrike Cimarron County, OK November, 2008 |  |
Northern Waterthrush Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2009 |  |
Olive Sparrow Brownsville (Sabal Palm), TX May, 2011 |  |
Olive-sided Flycatcher Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2015 |  |
Orange-crowned Warbler Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2013 |  |
Orchard Oriole Bellevue, NE May, 2019 |  |
Osprey Bellevue (Offutt Base Lake), NE November, 2008 |  |
Ovenbird Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2009 |  |
Painted Bunting Manhattan (Overlook Point), KS May, 2024 |  |
Palm Warbler Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE April, 2018 |  |
Peregrine Falcon Salt Lake City, UT May, 2012 |  |
Pied-billed Grebe South Padre Island (WBC), TX May, 2011 |  |
Pileated Woodpecker Glacier NP, MT September, 2023 |  |
Pine Siskin Bellevue, NE May, 2016 |  |
Plain Chachalaca Bentsen SP, TX June, 2011 |  |
Prothonotary Warbler Tuttle Creek SP, KS May, 2024 |  |
Purple Finch Clinton Lake SP, KS June, 2023 |  |
Purple Martin Montezuma NWR, NY August, 2008 |  |
Pygmy Nuthatch Flagstaff (Arboretum), AZ September, 2020 |  |
Pyrrhuloxia Amistad NRA, TX March, 2010 |  |
Red Crossbill Wildcat Hills SRA, NE May, 2020 |  |
Red-bellied Woodpecker Bellevue, NE February, 2019 |  |
Red-breasted Merganser Bellevue (Offutt Base Lake), NE March, 2011 |  |
Red-breasted Nuthatch Bellevue, NE March, 2019 |  |
Reddish Egret South Padre Island, TX May, 2011 |  |
Red-eyed Vireo Tuttle Creek SP, KS May, 2024 |  |
Redhead Cass County, NE March, 2011 |  |
Red-headed Woodpecker Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2019 |  |
Red-naped Sapsucker Rocky Mountain NP, CO May, 2023 |  |
Red-necked Phalarope Monterey, CA August, 2007 |  |
Red-shouldered Hawk Mingo NWR, MO January, 2010 |  |
Red-tailed Hawk Mingo NWR, MO January, 2010 |  |
Red-winged Blackbird Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2013 |  |
Ring-billed Gull New Orleans, LA January, 2008 |  |
Ring-necked Duck Lake Manawa SP, IA March, 2009 |  |
Ring-Necked Pheasant Adams County, ND May, 2008 |  |
Rock Pigeon Oklahoma City, OK November, 2008 |  |
Roseate Spoonbill South Padre Island (WBC), TX May, 2011 |  |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Bellevue, NE May, 2021 |  |
Ross' Goose Cass County, NE March, 2011 |  |
Rough-legged Hawk Lincoln, NE April, 2009 |  |
Royal Tern South Padre Island, TX May, 2011 |  |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Tuttle Creek SP, KS April, 2024 |  |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Bellevue, NE September, 2017 |  |
Ruddy Duck Sherman County, NE June, 2021 |  |
Ruddy Turnstone Atlantic Beach, NC December, 2008 |  |
Rufous Hummingbird Flagstaff, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Sanderling Dania Beach, FL November, 2016 |  |
Sandhill Crane Kearney County, NE March, 2012 |  |
Sandwich Tern South Padre Island, TX May, 2011 |  |
Savannah Sparrow Tuttle Creek SP, KS May, 2023 |  |
Say's Phoebe Bryce Canyon City, UT August, 2020 |  |
Scarlet Tanager Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2014 |  |
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Wichita Falls, TX May, 2011 |  |
Semipalmated Plover Cheyenne Bottoms WA, KS April, 2024 |  |
Semipalmated Sandpiper Plattsmouth (Schilling WMA), NE August, 2008 |  |
Sharp-shinned Hawk Bellevue, NE December, 2010 |  |
Snow Goose Omaha (Levi Carter Park), NE January, 2012 |  |
Snowy Egret South Padre Island (WBC), TX May, 2011 |  |
Snowy Owl Bellevue (La Platte Bottoms), NE October, 2017 |  |
Snowy Plover Cheyenne Bottoms WA, KS April, 2024 |  |
Solitary Sandpiper Tuttle Creek SP, KS April, 2024 |  |
Song Sparrow Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2015 |  |
Spotted Sandpiper Banff, AB May, 2008 |  |
Spotted Towhee Palo Duro Canyon SP, TX March, 2018 |  |
Steller's Jay Rocky Mountain NP, CO June, 2016 |  |
Summer Tanager Manhattan (Konza Prairie), KS May, 2024 |  |
Swainson's Hawk Mercer County, ND May, 2008 |  |
Swainson's Thrush Tuttle Creek SP, KS May, 2024 |  |
Swamp Sparrow Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE April, 2010 |  |
Tennessee Warbler Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2018 |  |
Townsend's Solitaire Guadalupe Mountains NWR, TX March, 2010 |  |
Tree Swallow Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2011 |  |
Tricolored Heron South Padre Island (WBC), TX May, 2011 |  |
Trumpeter Swan Great Falls, MT May, 2008 |  |
Tufted Titmouse Kingsport, TN May, 2014 |  |
Turkey Vulture Ankeny, IA May, 2012 |  |
Upland Sandpiper Cheyenne Bottoms WA, KS August, 2023 |  |
Verdin Glendale, AZ July, 2009 |  |
Vermilion Flycatcher Amistad NRA, TX March, 2010 |  |
Vesper Sparrow Rocky Mountain NP, CO May, 2023 |  |
Violet-green Swallow Rocky Mountain NP, CO May, 2023 |  |
Virginia Rail South Padre Island (WBC), TX May, 2011 |  |
Warbling Vireo Tuttle Creek SP, KS May, 2024 |  |
Western Bluebird Flagstaff (Arboretum), AZ September, 2020 |  |
Western Kingbird Saylorville Lake, IA May, 2012 |  |
Western Meadowlark Bitter Lake NWR, NM March, 2010 |  |
Western Scrub-Jay Guadalupe Mountains NWR, TX March, 2010 |  |
Western Tanager Rocky Mountain NP, CO June, 2016 |  |
Western Wood-Pewee Barr Lake SP, CO August, 2009 |  |
White Ibis Fort Pierce, FL November, 2016 |  |
White-breasted Nuthatch Bellevue, NE December, 2012 |  |
White-crowned Sparrow Palo Duro Canyon SP, TX March, 2018 |  |
White-eared Hummingbird Hereford, AZ July, 2009 |  |
White-eyed Vireo Brownsville (Sabal Palm), TX May, 2011 |  |
White-faced Ibis Tuttle Creek SP, KS May, 2024 |  |
White-throated Sparrow Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE April, 2018 |  |
White-tipped Dove Brownsville (Sabal Palm), TX May, 2011 |  |
White-winged Crossbill Omaha, NE November, 2012 |  |
White-winged Dove Harlingen (Hugh Ramsey), TX May, 2011 |  |
Wild Turkey Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2009 |  |
Williamson's Sapsucker Yellowstone NP, WY May, 2012 |  |
Willow Flycatcher Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2020 |  |
Wilson's Phalarope Cheyenne Bottoms WA, KS April, 2024 |  |
Wilson's Snipe Bellevue (La Platte Bottoms), NE April, 2011 |  |
Wilson's Warbler Canyonlands NP, UT September, 2020 |  |
Wood Duck Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE March, 2009 |  |
Wood Thrush Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2018 |  |
Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay Canyonlands NP, UT September, 2020 |  |
Yellow Warbler Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2012 |  |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Goodlettsville, TN October, 2010 |  |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE October, 2008 |  |
Yellow-breasted Chat Bayard, NE July, 2015 |  |
Yellow-headed Blackbird Alamosa NWR, CO June, 2016 |  |
Yellow-rumped Warbler Bellevue, NE May, 2016 |  |
Yellow-throated Vireo Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2013 |  |
Yellow-throated Warbler Bellevue (Fontenelle Forest), NE May, 2013 |  |