Cleveland Edition

Channel listings are in chronological order, newest first.


CLEVELAND               AKRON                   YOUNGSTOWN

 3 WKYC-TV (NBC)        23 WAKR-TV (ABC)        21 WFMJ-TV (NBC)
 5 WEWS (ABC)                                   27 WKBN-TV (CBS)
 8 WJW-TV (CBS)         CANTON                  33 WYTV (ABC)
43 WUAB-TV (Ind.)       17 WJAN-TV (Ind.)       ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA
61 WKBF-TV (Ind.)
                        STEUBENVILLE            12 WICU-TV (NBC)
COLUMBUS                                        24 WJET-TV (ABC)
                         9 WSTV-TV (CBS, ABC)   35 WSEE-TV (CBS)
 4 WLWC (NBC)                                   54 WQLN-TV (PBS)
 6 WTVN-TV (ABC)        TOLEDO
10 WBNS-TV (CBS)                                WHEELING, W. VA.
34 WOSU-TV (PBS)        11 WTOL-TV (CBS)
                        13 WSPD-TV (NBC)         7 WTRF-TV (NBC, ABC)

Cable-TV subscribers: please consult channel directory issued by cable
company to make sure you are tuning to the correct channel number of the
desired local station.


CLEVELAND                           TOLEDO

 3 WKYC-TV (NBC) 1403 E. 6th St.    11 WTOL-TV (CBS) 604 Jackson St. 
   44114                               43604
 5 WEWS (ABC) Euclid at 30th 44115  13 WSPD-TV (NBC) 136 Huron St.
 8 WJW-TV (CBS) 1630 Euclid Ave.       43604
25 WVIZ-TV (NET) 4300 Brookpark     AKRON
   Rd. 44134
43 WUAB-TV (Ind.) 2108 Payne Ave.   23 WAKR-TV (ABC) 853 Copley Rd. 
   44114                               44320
61 WKBF-TV (Ind.) 21300 St. Clair
   Ave. 44117                       ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA

YOUNGSTOWN                          12 WICU-TV (NBC) 3514 State St.
21 WFMJ-TV (NBC) 101 W. Boardman    24 WJET-TV (ABC) 8700 Waterford 
   St. 44503                           Pike, R.D. No.4, 16509
27 WKBN-TV (CBS) 3930 Sunset Blvd.  35 WSEE-TV (CBS) 1220 Peach St.
   44512                               16501
33 WYTV (ABC) 3800 Shady Run Rd.    54 WQLN-TV (NET) Waterford Pike 
   44502                               16509


17 WJAN-TV (Ind.) Box 187, Canton,
   Ohio 44701


             CLEVELAND                            YOUNGSTOWN

 3 KYW-TV (NBC) 815 Superior Ave,NE  21 WFMJ-TV (NBC)        Boardman St.
 5 WEWS (ABC)        Euclid at 30th  27 WKBN-TV (CBS-ABC)Midlothian Blvd.
 8 WJW-TV (CBS) 1630 Euclid Ave.,14                 AKRON
                                     49 WAKR-TV (ABC)      853 Copley Rd.