DIRECTV-Mountain Satellite Edition

Channel listings are in chronological order, newest first.


The following chart is a list of the program services available to
DIRECTV customers.  Most of them are included in the daily listings and
evening program grids.  The few that are not are indicated by a
blank space in the "To View" column.

ABC West: KABC Los Ang.  387  ABCW | Fox West: KTTV Los Ang.  389
ABC: WABC New York *     386  ABC  | Fox: WNYW New York *     388  FOX
CBS West: KCBS Los Ang.  381  CBSW | NBC West: KNBC Los Ang.  383  NBCW
CBS: WCBS New York *     380  CBS  | NBC: WNBC New York *     382  NBC

* Listed in program grids only