Grand Rapids Edition

Channel listings are in chronological order, newest first.


 -Grand Rapids/         41 WOTV (ABC)          47 WSYM (Fox)
   Kalamazoo/           43 WZPX (PAX, WB)      53 WLAJ (ABC)
  Battle Creek-         52 WGVK (PBS)                         
                                                -South Bend, Ind-
 3 WWMT (CBS)            -Lansing/Jackson-      
 8 WOOD (NBC)                                  16 WNDU (NBC)
13 WZZM (ABC)            6 WLNS (CBS)          22 WSBT (CBS)
15 WXSP (UPN)           10 WILX (NBC)          28 WSJV (Fox)
17 WXMI (Fox)           23 WKAR (PBS)
35 WGVU (PBS)           

Extra Listings In Grids Only: 64 WLLA (Kalamazoo; Ind.)
WXSP is also available on Ch. 20 Battle Creek, 25 Grand Rapids, 
27 Middleville, 29 Muskegon, 33 Holland and 50 Kalamazoo.

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 35 and 52 schedule
instructional classroom programs during the school year.


 -Grand Rapids/         41 WOTV (ABC)          47 WSYM (Fox)
   Kalamazoo/           43 WZPX (PAX,WB)       53 WLAJ (ABC)
  Battle Creek-         52 WGVK (PBS)                         
                                                -South Bend, Ind-
 3 WWMT (CBS)            -Lansing/Jackson-      
 8 WOOD (NBC)                                  16 WNDU (NBC)
13 WZZM (ABC)            6 WLNS (CBS)          22 WSBT (CBS)
15 WXSP (UPN)           10 WILX (NBC)          28 WSJV (Fox)
17 WXMI (Fox)           23 WKAR (PBS)
35 WGVU (PBS)           

Extra Listings In Grids Only: 64 WLLA (Kalamazoo; IND)
WXSP is also available on Ch. 20 Battle Creek, 25 Grand Rapids, 
27 Middleville, 29 Muskegon, 33 Holland and 38 Kalamazoo.

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 35 and 52 schedule
instructional classroom programs during the school year.


 -Grand Rapids/         41 WOTV (ABC)          47 WSYM (Fox)
   Kalamazoo/           43 WZPX (PAX,WB)       53 WLAJ (ABC)
  Battle Creek-         52 WGVK (PBS)                         
                                                -South Bend, Ind-
 3 WWMT (CBS)            -Lansing/Jackson-      
 8 WOOD (NBC)                                  16 WNDU (NBC)
13 WZZM (ABC)            6 WLNS (CBS)          22 WSBT (CBS)
17 WXMI (Fox)           10 WILX (NBC)          28 WSJV (Fox)
35 WGVU (PBS)           23 WKAR (PBS)
In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 35 and 52 schedule
instructional classroom programs during the school year.


 -Grand Rapids/         41 WOTV (ABC)          47 WSYM (Fox)
   Kalamazoo/           43 WZPX (PAX,UPN)      53 WLAJ (ABC)
  Battle Creek-         52 WGVK (PBS)                        
                                                -South Bend, Ind-
 3 WWMT (CBS)            -Lansing/Jackson-      
 8 WOOD (NBC)                                  16 WNDU (NBC)
13 WZZM (ABC)            6 WLNS (CBS)          22 WSBT (CBS)
17 WXMI (Fox)           10 WILX (NBC)          28 WSJV (Fox)
35 WGVU (PBS)           23 WKAR (PBS)
In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 35 and 52 schedule
instructional classroom programs during the school year.


 -Grand Rapids/         41 WOTV (ABC)          47 WSYM (Fox)
   Kalamazoo/           52 WGVK (PBS)          53 WLAJ (ABC)
  Battle Creek-                                 
                         -Lansing/Jackson-      -South Bend, IN-  
 3 WWMT (CBS)                                   
 8 WOOD (NBC)            6 WLNS (CBS)          16 WNDU (NBC)
13 WZZM (ABC)           10 WILX (NBC)          22 WSBT (CBS)
17 WXMI (Fox)           23 WKAR (PBS)          28 WSJV (Fox)
35 WGVU (PBS)                     
In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 35 and 52 schedule
instructional classroom programs during the school year.


 -Grand Rapids/         41 WOTV (ABC)          47 WSYM (Fox)
   Kalamazoo/           52 WGVK (PBS)          53 WLAJ (ABC)
  Battle Creek-                                 
                         -Lansing/Jackson-      -South Bend, IN-  
 3 WWMT (CBS)                                   
 8 WOOD (NBC)            6 WLNS (CBS)          16 WNDU (NBC)
13 WZZM (ABC)           10 WILX (NBC)          22 WSBT (CBS)
17 WXMI (Fox)           23 WKAR (PBS)          28 WSJV (ABC)
35 WGVU (PBS)                     
In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 35 and 52 schedule
instructional classroom programs during the school year.


 -Grand Rapids/         41 WOTV (ABC)          23 WKAR (PBS)
   Kalamazoo/           52 WGVK (PBS)          47 WSYM (Fox)
  Battle Creek-                                 
                         -Lansing/Jackson-      -South Bend, Ind.-
 3 WWMT (CBS)                                   
 8 WOOD (NBC)            6 WLNS (CBS)          16 WNDU (NBC)
13 WZZM (ABC)           10 WILX (NBC)          22 WSBT (CBS)
17 WXMI (Fox)                                  28 WSJV (ABC)
35 WGVU (PBS)                     

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 35 and 52 schedule
instructional classroom programs during the school year.


 -Grand Rapids/         41 WUHQ (ABC)           -Cadillac-
   Kalamazoo/           52 WGVK (PBS)
  Battle Creek-                                 9 WWTV (CBS)
 3 WWMT (CBS)                                   -South Bend, Ind.-
 8 WOTV (NBC)            6 WLNS (CBS)
13 WZZM (ABC)           10 WILX (NBC)          16 WNDU (NBC)
17 WXMI (Fox)           23 WKAR (PBS)          22 WSBT (CBS)
35 WGVC (PBS)           47 WSYM (Ind.)         28 WSJV (ABC)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 35 and 52 schedule
instructional programs throughout the broadcast day.