Hawaii Edition

Channel listings are in chronological order, newest first. Logos from an issue appear after its respective channel listings.

Cable systems listed: Oceanic Cable-Honolulu, Cable TV Services, TCI (Hawaii Kai, Maui/Haleakola, Molokai/Lanai, Ka'u), Garden Isle Cablevision, Hawaiian Cablevision, Hawaiian Cablevision-Hilo, Kauai Cablevision, Sun Cablevision-Kona.


 To                                  To
View    Station                     View    Station 

 2- 3   KHON (Fox)                | 14-11   KWHE (Ind.)
 4- 6   KITV (ABC)                | 20- 9   KIKU (Ind.)
 5- 5   KFVE (UPN)                |         KAAH (TBN)
 9- 7   KGMB (CBS)                | 32- 4   KBFD (Ind.)
11-10   KHET (PBS)                | 66-66   KPXO (PAX)
13- 8   KHNL (NBC)                |

                      To view              See these
                  programming for          listings

                 Wailuku      Hilo

                  7 KAII    11 KHAW         2- 3 KHON
                 12 KMAU    13 KHVO         4- 6 KITV
                 27 K27DW   45 K45CT        5- 5 KFVE
                  3 KGMV     9 KGMD         9- 7 KGMB
                 10 KMEB     4 K04FE       11-10 KHET
                 15 KOGG     2 KHB         13- 8 KHNL

Though not listed in this edition, KAAH, Ch. 26 in Honolulu, and KLEI,
Ch. 6 in Kailua-Kona, are available to some viewers.  Both carry
religious programming.  In addition to the listings herein, 11-10
schedules instructional classroom programs.


                     Wailuku     Hilo 
  2- 3   2 KHON       7 KAII    11 KHAW  (Fox)
  4- 6   4 KITV      12 KMAU    13 KHVO  (ABC)
  5- 5   5 KFVE      27 K27DW   45 K45CT (UPN)
  9- 7   9 KGMB       3 KGMV     9 KGMD  (CBS)
 11-10  11 KHET      10 KMEB     4 K04FE (PBS)
 13- 8  13 KHNL      15 KOGG     2 KHBC  (NBC)
 14-11  14 KWHE      21 KWHM    14 KWHH  (Ind.)
 20- 9  20 KIKU                          (Ind.)
        26 KAAH                          (TBN)
 32- 4  32 KBFD                          (Ind.)

Honolulu stations are designated in the following manner:
Over-the-air Channel Number - Oceanic Cable Channel Number

For most programs on 14 Hilo and 21 Wailuku, see 14-11.  Though not
listed in this edition, KOBN, Ch. 26 in Honolulu, and KLEI, Ch. 6 in
Kailua-Kona, are available to some viewers.  Both carry religious
programming.  11-10 schedules instructional classroom programs.


 -Honolulu-       11 KHET (PBS)      -Wailuku-         -Hilo-
                  13 KHNL (Fox)
 2 KHON (NBC)     14 KWHE (Ind.)     3 KGMV (CBS)      2 KHBC (Fox)
 4 KITV (ABC)     20 KHAI (Ind.)     7 KAII (NBC)      4 K04FE(PBS)
 5 KFVE (Ind.)    32 KBFD (Ind.)    10 KMEB (PBS)      9 KGMD (CBS)
 9 KGMB (CBS)                       12 KMAU (ABC)     11 KHAW (NBC)
                                    15 KOGG (Fox)     13 KHVO (ABC)

Though not listed in this edition, KMGT, Ch. 26 in Honolulu, and KVHF,
Ch. 6 in Kailua-Kona, are available to some viewers.  The stations
carry home-shopping programs seven days a week.

The following channel designations are used in Four-Star Movies, This
Week's Sports and some cross references:

2W for KHBC, Hilo                   11W for KHAW, Hilo
4W for K04FE, Hilo                  13W for KHVO, Hilo
9W for KGMD, Hilo

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 11, 4W and 10 schedule
instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.


 -Honolulu-       13 KHNL (Ind.)     -Wailuku-         -Hilo-
                  14 KDSC (Ind.)
 2 KHON (NBC)     20 KHAI (Ind.)     3 KGMV (CBS)      2 KHBC (Ind.)
 4 KITV (ABC)     26 KMGT (Ind.)     7 KAII (NBC)      4 K04FE(PBS)
 9 KGMB (CBS)     32 KBFD (Ind.)    10 KMEB (PBS)      9 KGMD (CBS)
11 KHET (PBS)                       12 KMAU (ABC)     11 KHAW (NBC)
                                                      13 KHVO (ABC)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 11, 10, 4 schedule
instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.


                        WAILUKU                 HILO
 4 KITV-TV (ABC)         3 KMAU-TV (CBS)         4 K04FE (PBS)
 9 KGMB-TV (CBS)         7 KAII-TV (NBC)         9 KGMD-TV (CBS)
11 KHET (PBS)           10 KMEB-TV (PBS)        11 KHAW-TV (NBC)
13 KIKU-TV (IND)        12 KMVI-TV (ABC)        13 KHVO (ABC)

In addition to the listings herein, Ch. 11, 10, 4 schedule 
instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.