Kansas City Edition

Channel listings are in chronological order, newest first. Logos from an issue appear after its respective channel listings.


This issue featured no channel listings page, but had the same channels listed in the 1/12/02 issue.


 -Kansas City-           -Lawrence, Kan.-        -Sedalia/Warrensburg-          
 4 WDAF (Fox)           38 KMCI (Ind.)           6 KMOS (PBS)
 5 KCTV (CBS)        
 9 KMBC (ABC)            -Topeka, Kan.-          -St. Joseph, Mo.-
19 KCPT (PBS)        
29 KCWE (UPN)           11 KTWU (PBS)            2 KQTV (ABC)
41 KSHB (NBC)           13 WIBW (CBS)
50 KPXE (Pax)           27 KSNT (NBC)            
62 KSMO (WB)            43 KTLJ (Fox)
                        49 KTKA (ABC)                        
In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 6 and 19 schedule
instructional classroom programming during the school year.

The WB Network is available on some cable systems in the following areas
and uses the following local station identifications:
Topeka, Kan.: WBKS; St. Joseph, Mo.: WBJO.


 -Kansas City-           -Lawrence, Kan.-        -Sedalia/Warrensburg-          
 4 WDAF (Fox)           38 KMCI (Ind.)           6 KMOS (PBS)
 5 KCTV (CBS)        
 9 KMBC (ABC)            -Topeka, Kan.-          -St. Joseph, Mo.-
19 KCPT (PBS)        
29 KCWE (UPN)           11 KTWU (PBS)            2 KQTV (ABC)
41 KSHB (NBC)           13 WIBW (CBS)
50 KPXE (Pax)           27 KSNT (NBC)            -Junction City, Kan.-
62 KSMO (WB)            49 KTKA (ABC)
                                                 6 KTMJ (Fox)
In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 6 and 19 schedule
instructional classroom programming during the school year.

In the Sports guide and some cross references, 6J refers to KTMJ in
Junction City.

The WB Network is available on some cable systems in the following areas
and uses the following local station identifications:
Topeka, Kan.: WBKS; St. Joseph, Mo.: WBJO.

Logos from the 2/19/00 issue (same listings as above):


 -Kansas City-           -Lawrence, Kan.-          -Sedalia/
                                                    Warrensburg, Mo.-
 4 WDAF (Fox)           38 KMCI (Ind.)
 5 KCTV (CBS)                                      6 KMOS (PBS)
 9 KMBC (ABC)            -Topeka, Kan.-
19 KCPT (PBS)                                      -St. Joseph, Mo.-
29 KCWE (UPN)           11 KTWU (PBS)
41 KSHB (NBC)           13 WIBW (CBS)              2 KQTV (ABC)
50 KPXE (Pax)           27 KSNT (NBC)
62 KSMO (WB)            49 KTKA (ABC)              -Junction City, Kan.-
                                                   6 KTMJ (Fox)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 6 and 19 schedule
instructional classroom programming during the school year.

In the Sports guide and some cross references, 6J refers to KTMJ in
Junction City.

The WB Network is available on some cable systems in Topeka and uses
WBKS for its local station identification.


 -Kansas City-           -Lawrence, Kan.-          -Sedalia/
                                                    Warrensburg, Mo.-
 4 WDAF (Fox)           38 KMCI (Ind.)
 5 KCTV (CBS)                                      6 KMOS (PBS)
 9 KMBC (ABC)            -Topeka, Kan.-
19 KCPT (PBS)                                      -St. Joseph, Mo.-
29 KCWB (WB)            11 KTWU (PBS)
41 KSHB (NBC)           13 WIBW (CBS)              2 KQTV (ABC)
62 KSMO (Ind.)          27 KSNT (NBC)                         
                        49 KTKA (ABC)              -Junction City, Kan.-

                                                   6 KTMJ (Fox)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 6 and 19 schedule
instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.

Though not listed in this edition, KIND, Ch. 50 in Kansas City, is
available to some viewers.  The station carries religious and
family-entertainment programs seven days a week.

In Four-Star Movies, Sports and some cross references, 6J refers to
KTMJ in Junction City.


 -Kansas City-           -Lawrence, Kan.-          -Sedalia/
                                                    Warrensburg, Mo.-
 4 WDAF (Fox)           38 KMCI (Ind.)
 5 KCTV (CBS)                                      6 KMOS (PBS)
 9 KMBC (ABC)            -Topeka, Kan.-
19 KCPT (PBS)                                      -St. Joseph, Mo.-
29 KCWB (WB)            11 KTWU (PBS)
41 KSHB (NBC)           13 WIBW (CBS)              2 KQTV (ABC)
62 KSMO (Fox/UPN)       27 KSNT (NBC)                         
                        49 KTKA (ABC)              -Junction City, Kan.-

                                                   6 KTMJ (UPN/Fox)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 6 and 19 schedule
instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.

Though not listed in this edition, KYFC, Ch. 50 in Kansas City, is
available to some viewers.  The station carries religious and
family-entertainment programs seven days a week.

In Four-Star Movies, Sports and some cross references, 6J refers to
KTMJ in Junction City.


 -Kansas City-           -Topeka, Kan.-          -Sedalia/
                                                  Warrensburg, Mo.-
 4 WDAF (NBC)           11 KTWU (PBS)
 5 KCTV (CBS)           13 WIBW (CBS)            6 KMOS (PBS)
 9 KMBC (ABC)           27 KSNT (NBC)
19 KCPT (PBS)           49 KTKA (ABC)            -St. Joseph, Mo.-
41 KSHB (Fox)
62 KSMO (Ind.)                                   2 KQTV (ABC)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 6 and 19 schedule
instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.

Though not listed in this edition, KMCI, Ch. 38 in Lawrence, Kansas,
and KYFC, Ch. 50 in Shawnee Mission, Kansas, are available to some
viewers.  Ch. 38 carries Home Shopping Network programs seven days
a week.  Ch. 50 carries religious and family-entertainment programs
seven days a week.


 -Kansas City-           -Topeka, Kan.-          -Sedalia/
                                                  Warrensburg, Mo.-
 4 WDAF (NBC)           11 KTWU (PBS)
 5 KCTV (CBS)           13 WIBW (CBS)            6 KMOS (PBS)
 9 KMBC (ABC)           27 KSNT (NBC)
19 KCPT (PBS)           49 KTKA (ABC)            -St. Joseph, Mo.-
41 KSHB (Fox)
62 KZKC (Ind.)                                   2 KQTV (ABC)

KMCI, Ch. 38 in Lawrence, Kan., carries Home Shopping Network programs.

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 6 and 19 schedule
instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.


KANSAS CITY             41 KBMA-TV (Ind.)       TOPEKA, KANSAS
 4 WDAF-TV (NBC)        ST. JOSEPH              11 KTWU-TV (PBS)
 5 KCMO-TV (CBS)                                13 WIBW-TV (CBS, ABC)
 9 KMBC-TV (ABC)         2 KQTV (ABC)           27 KTSB (NBC)
19 KCPT (PBS)            


KANSAS CITY             41 KBMA-TV (IND.)       TOPEKA, KANSAS
 4 WDAF-TV (NBC)        ST. JOSEPH              11 KTWU-TV (PBS)
 5 KCMO-TV (CBS)                                13 WIBW-TV (CBS, ABC)
 9 KMBC-TV (ABC)         2 KQTV (ABC)           27 KTSB (NBC, ABC)
19 KCPT (PBS)            
[Does not colorcast]

(Ch. 19 telecasts chiefly for in-school viewing 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Monday
through Friday.)


KANSAS CITY             41 KBMA-TV (IND.)       TOPEKA, KANSAS
                        50 KCIT-TV (IND.)
 4 WDAF-TV (NBC)                                11 KTWU-TV (PBS)
 5 KCMO-TV (CBS)        ST. JOSEPH              13 WIBW-TV (CBS, ABC)
 9 KMBC-TV (ABC)                                27 KTSB (NBC)
19 KCSD-TV (PBS)         2 KQTV (ABC)
[Does not colorcast]

(Chs. 11 and 19 telecast chiefly for in-school viewing, 10 A.M. to
3 P.M., Mon. through Fri.)


                            KANSAS CITY, MO.

 4 WDAF-TV (NBC) 31st & Summit (8)   9 KMBC-TV (ABC) 11th and Central(5)
 5 KCMO-TV (CBS) 125 E.31st St.(8)  19 KCSD (Educ.) ..... 1211 McGee (6)


 2 KFEQ-TV (CBS, ABC)St. Joseph,Mo. 13 WIBW-TV (CBS,ABC,NBC) Topeka,Kan.

Ch. 19 telecasts programs chiefly designed for in-school viewing from
9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Monday through Friday.


          KANSAS CITY, MO.                    ST. JOSEPH, MO.

 4 WDAF-TV (NBC)     31st & Summit   2 KFEQ-TV (CBS)     St. Joseph, Mo. 
 5 KCMO-TV (CBS)    125 E.31st St.           -----------------
 9 KMBC-TV (ABC)  11th and Central              TOPEKA, KAN.
                                    13 WIBW-TV (CBS)      Topeka, Kansas