Minnesota State Edition

Channel listings are in chronological order, newest first. Logos from an issue appear after its respective channel listings.


 -Duluth-          -Appleton-        -Austin-          -Eau Claire, WI-

 3 KDLH (CBS)     10 KWCM (PBS)      6 KAAL (ABC)     13 WEAU (NBC)
 6 KBJR (NBC)                       15 KSMQ (PBS)     18 WQOW (ABC)
 8 WDSE (PBS)      -Minneapolis/                      48 WEUX (Fox)
10 WDIO (ABC)       St. Paul-        -Rochester-
21 KQDS (Fox)                                          -La Crosse, WI-
                   2 KTCA (PBS)     10 KTTC (NBC)                                     
 -Bemidji-         4 WCCO (CBS)     47 KXLT (Fox)      8 WKBT (CBS) 
                   5 KSTP (ABC)                       19 WXOW (ABC)             
 9 KAWE (PBS)      9 KMSP (Fox)      -Mankato-        25 WLAX (Fox)      
                  11 KARE (NBC)                       31 WHLA (PBS)           
 -Alexandria-     23 KMWB (WB)      12 KEYC (CBS)     
                  29 WFTC (UPN)                        -Menomonie, WI-
 7 KCCO (CBS)                        -Mason City, IA-
42 KSAX (ABC)                                         28 WHWC (PBS)
                                     3 KIMT (CBS)     
                                    24 KYIN (PBS)

The following channel designations are used in the Sports guide 
and some cross references:

3D for KDLH, Duluth                 9B for KAWE, Bemidji
6D for KBJR, Duluth                 10A for KWCM, Appleton
8D for WDSE, Duluth                 10D for WDIO, Duluth

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 8D, 9B, 15, 24, 28 and 31
schedule instructional classroom programs during the school year.

Though not listed in this edition, KPXM, Ch. 41 in St. Cloud carries
religious and PAX-network programs seven days a week.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 12 Walker,
Minn., see 7; on 13 Hibbing, Minn., see 10; on 22 Brainerd, Minn.,
see 9; on 43 Redwood Falls, Minn., see 5; on 55 River Falls, Wis.,
see 28.

WB   The WB Network is available on some cable systems in the following
areas and uses the following local station identifications: Duluth:
KWBD; La Crosse-Eau Claire: WBCZ; Mankato: KWYE; Rochester-Mason City-
Austin: KWBR.


 -Duluth-          -Appleton-        -Austin-          -Eau Claire, WI-

 3 KDLH (CBS)     10 KWCM (PBS)      6 KAAL (ABC)     13 WEAU (NBC)
 6 KBJR (NBC)                       15 KSMQ (PBS)     18 WQOW (ABC)
 8 WDSE (PBS)      -Minneapolis/                      48 WEUX (Fox)
10 WDIO (ABC)       St. Paul-        -Rochester-
21 KQDS (Fox)                                          -La Crosse, WI-
                   2 KTCA (PBS)     10 KTTC (NBC)                                     
 -Bemidji-         4 WCCO (CBS)     47 KXLT (Fox)      8 WKBT (CBS) 
                   5 KSTP (ABC)                       19 WXOW (ABC)             
 9 KAWE (PBS)      9 KMSP (UPN)      -Mankato-        25 WLAX (Fox)      
                  11 KARE (NBC)                       31 WHLA (PBS)           
 -Alexandria-     23 KMWB (WB)      12 KEYC (CBS)     
                  29 WFTC (Fox)                        -Menomonie, WI-
 7 KCCO (CBS)                        -Mason City, IA-
42 KSAX (ABC)                                         28 WHWC (PBS)
                                     3 KIMT (CBS)     
                                    24 KYIN (PBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 8D, 9B, 15, 24, 28 and 31
schedule instructional classroom programs during the school year.

Though not listed in this edition, KPXM, Ch. 41 in St. Cloud and KVBM,
Ch. 45 in Minneapolis carry shop-at-home programs seven days a week.

The following channel designations are used in the Sports guide 
and some cross references:

3D for KDLH, Duluth                 9B for KAWE, Bemidji
6D for KBJR, Duluth                 10A for KWCM, Appleton
8D for WDSE, Duluth                 10D for WDIO, Duluth

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 12 Walker,
Minn., see 7; on 13 Hibbing, Minn., see 10; on 22 Brainerd, Minn.,
see 9; on 43 Redwood Falls, Minn., see 5; on 55 River Falls, Wis.,
see 28.

WB   The WB Network is available on some cable systems in the following
areas and uses the following local station identifications: Duluth:
KWBD; La Crosse-Eau Claire: WBCZ; Mankato: KWYE; Rochester-Mason City-
Austin: KWBR.


 -Duluth-          -Appleton-        -Austin-          -Eau Claire, WI-

 3 KDLH (CBS)     10 KWCM (PBS)      6 KAAL (ABC)     13 WEAU (NBC)
 6 KBJR (NBC/UPN)                   15 KSMQ (PBS)     18 WQOW (ABC)
 8 WDSE (PBS)      -Minneapolis/                      48 WEUX (Fox)
10 WDIO (ABC)       St. Paul-        -Rochester-
21 KQDS (Fox)                                          -La Crosse, WI-
                   2 KTCA (PBS)     10 KTTC (NBC)                                     
 -Bemidji-         4 WCCO (CBS)     47 KXLT (Fox)      8 WKBT (CBS) 
                   5 KSTP (ABC)                       19 WXOW (ABC)             
 9 KAWE (PBS)      9 KMSP (UPN)      -Mankato-        25 WLAX (Fox)      
                  11 KARE (NBC)                       31 WHLA (PBS)           
 -Alexandria-     23 KMWB (WB)      12 KEYC (CBS)     
                  29 WFTC (Fox)                        -Menomonie, WI-
 7 KCCO (CBS)                        -Mason City, IA-
42 KSAX (ABC)                                         28 WHWC (PBS)
                                     3 KIMT (CBS)     
                                    24 KYIN (PBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 8D, 9B, 15, 24, 28 and 31
schedule instructional classroom programs during the school year.

Though not listed in this edition, KPXM, Ch. 41 in St. Cloud and KVBM,
Ch. 45 in Minneapolis carry shop-at-home programs seven days a week.

The following channel designations are used in the Sports guide 
and some cross references:

3D for KDLH, Duluth                 9B for KAWE, Bemidji
6D for KBJR, Duluth                 10A for KWCM, Appleton
8D for WDSE, Duluth                 10D for WDIO, Duluth

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 12 Walker,
Minn., see 7; on 13 Hibbing, Minn., see 10; on 22 Brainerd, Minn.,
see 9; on 43 Redwood Falls, Minn., see 5; on 55 River Falls, Wis.,
see 28.

WB   The WB Network is available on some cable systems in the following
areas and uses the following local station identifications: Duluth:
KWBD; La Crosse-Eau Claire: WBCZ; Mankato: KWYE; Rochester-Mason City-
Austin: KWBR.


 -Duluth-          -Appleton-        -Austin-          -Eau Claire, WI-

 3 KDLH (CBS)     10 KWCM (PBS)      6 KAAL (ABC)     13 WEAU (NBC)
 6 KBJR (NBC/UPN)                   15 KSMQ (PBS)     18 WQOW (ABC)
 8 WDSE (PBS)      -Minneapolis/                      48 WEUX (Fox)
10 WDIO (ABC)       St. Paul-        -Rochester-
                                                       -La Crosse, WI-
 -Bemidji-         2 KTCA (PBS)     10 KTTC (NBC)
                   4 WCCO (CBS)     47 KXLT (Fox)      8 WKBT (CBS)             
 9 KAWE (PBS)      5 KSTP (ABC)                       19 WXOW (ABC) 
                   9 KMSP (UPN)      -Mankato-        25 WLAX (Fox)                 
 -Alexandria-     11 KARE (NBC)                       31 WHLA (PBS)
                  23 KLGT (WB)      12 KEYC (CBS)     
 7 KCCO (CBS)     29 WFTC (Fox)                        -Menomonie, WI-
42 KSAX (ABC)                        -Mason City, IA- 
                                                      28 WHWC (PBS)
                                     3 KIMT (CBS)     
                                    24 KYIN (PBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 8D, 9B, 15, 24, 28 and 31
schedule instructional classroom programs during the school year.

Though not listed in this edition, KPXM, Ch. 41 in St. Cloud and KVBM,
Ch. 45 in Minneapolis carry shop-at-home programs seven days a week.

The following channel designations are used in Four-Star Movies, Sports
and some cross references:

3D for KDLH, Duluth                 9B for KAWE, Bemidji
6D for KBJR, Duluth                 10A for KWCM, Appleton
8D for WDSE, Duluth                 10D for WDIO, Duluth

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 12 Walker,
Minn., see 7; on 13 Hibbing, Minn., see 10; on 22 Brainerd, Minn.,
see 9; on 43 Redwood Falls, Minn., see 5; on 55 River Falls, Wis.,
see 28.


 -Duluth-          -Appleton-        -Austin-          -Eau Claire, WI-

 3 KDLH (CBS)     10 KWCM (PBS)      6 KAAL (ABC)     13 WEAU (NBC)
 6 KBJR (NBC/UPN)                   15 KSMQ (PBS)     18 WQOW (ABC)
 8 WDSE (PBS)      -Minneapolis/                      48 WEUX (Fox)
10 WDIO (ABC)       St. Paul-        -Rochester-
                                                       -La Crosse, WI-
 -Bemidji-         2 KTCA (PBS)     10 KTTC (NBC)
                   4 WCCO (CBS)                        8 WKBT (CBS)
 9 KAWE (PBS)      5 KSTP (ABC)      -Mankato-        19 WXOW (ABC)
                   9 KMSP (UPN)                       25 WLAX (Fox)
 -Alexandria-     11 KARE (NBC)     12 KEYC (CBS)     31 WHLA (PBS)   
                  23 KLGT (WB)
 7 KCCO (CBS)     29 WFTC (Fox)      -Mason City, IA-  -Menomonie, WI-
                                     3 KIMT (CBS)     28 WHWC (PBS)
                                    24 KYIN (PBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 8D, 9B, 15, 24, 28 and 31
schedule instructional classroom programs during the school year.

Though not listed in this edition, KXLI, Ch. 41 in St. Cloud, KVBM,
Ch. 45 in Minneapolis and KXLT, Ch. 47 in Rochester, carry shop-at-home
programs seven days a week.

The following channel designations are used in Four-Star Movies, Sports
and some cross references:

3D for KDLH, Duluth                 9B for KAWE, Bemidji
6D for KBJR, Duluth                 10A for KWCM, Appleton
8D for WDSE, Duluth                 10D for WDIO, Duluth

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 12 Walker,
Minn., see 7; on 13 Hibbing, Minn., see 10; on 22 Brainerd, Minn.,
see 9; on 43 Redwood Falls, Minn., see 5; on 55 River Falls, Wis.,
see 28.


 -Duluth-          -Minneapolis/     -Austin-          -Eau Claire, WI-
                    St. Paul-
 3 KDLH (CBS)                        6 KAAL (ABC)     13 WEAU (NBC)
 6 KBJR (NBC/UPN)  2 KTCA (PBS)     15 KSMQ (PBS)     18 WQOW (ABC)
 8 WDSE (PBS)      4 WCCO (CBS)      
10 WDIO (ABC)      5 KSTP (ABC)      -Rochester-       -La Crosse, WI-
                   9 KMSP (UPN)                                    
 -Bemidji-        11 KARE (NBC)     10 KTTC (NBC)      8 WKBT (CBS)
                  23 KLGT (WB)                        19 WXOW (ABC) 
 9 KAWE (PBS)     29 WFTC (Fox)      -Mason City, IA- 25 WLAX (Fox)
                                                      31 WHLA (PBS)
 -Alexandria-      -Mankato-         3 KIMT (CBS)   
                                    24 KYIN (PBS)      -Menomonie, WI-
 7 KCCO (CBS)     12 KEYC (CBS)         
                                                      28 WHWC (PBS)

WB refers to the Warner Bros. Television Network and UPN stands for
the United Paramount Network.

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 8D, 9B, 15, 24, 28 and 31
schedule instructional classroom programs during the school year.

Chs. 41 St. Cloud and Ch. 47 Rochester air general-entertainment

Ch. 45 Minneapolis airs shop-at-home programs 7 days a week.

The following channel designations are used in Four-Star Movies, Sports
and some cross references:

3D for KDLH, Duluth                 9B for KAWE, Bemidji
6D for KBJR, Duluth                 10A for KWCM, Appleton
8D for WDSE, Duluth                 10D for WDIO, Duluth

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 12 Walker,
Minn., see 7; on 13 Hibbing, Minn., see 10; on 22 Brainerd, Minn.,
see 9; on 42 Alexandria and 43 Redwood Falls, Minn., see 5; on 48 Eau
Claire, Wis., see 25; on 55 River Falls, Wis., see 28.


 -Duluth-          -Minneapolis/     -Austin-          -Eau Claire, WI-
                    St. Paul-
 3 KDLH (CBS)                        6 KAAL (ABC)     13 WEAU (NBC)
 6 KBJR (NBC)      2 KTCA (PBS)     15 KSMQ (PBS)     18 WQOW (ABC)
 8 WDSE (PBS)      4 WCCO (CBS)      
10 WDIO (ABC)      5 KSTP (ABC)      -Rochester-       -La Crosse, WI-
                   9 KMSP (Ind.)                                   
 -Bemidji-        11 KARE (NBC)     10 KTTC (NBC)      8 WKBT (CBS)
                  23 KLGT (Ind.)                      19 WXOW (ABC) 
 9 KAWE (PBS)     29 KITN (Fox)      -Mason City, IA- 25 WLAX (Fox)
                                                      31 WHLA (PBS)
 -Alexandria-      -Mankato-         3 KIMT (CBS)   
                                    24 KYIN (PBS)      -Menomonie, WI-
 7 KCCO (CBS)     12 KEYC (CBS)         
                                                      28 WHWC (PBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 8D, 9B, 15, 24, 28 and 31
schedule instructional classroom programs during the school year.

Chs. 41 St. Cloud and Ch. 47 Rochester air shop-at-home programs
7 days a week.

The following channel designations are used in Four-Star Movies, Sports
and some cross references:

3D for KDLH, Duluth                 9B for KAWE, Bemidji
6D for KBJR, Duluth                 10D for WDIO, Duluth
8D for WDSE, Duluth                 

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 12 Walker,
Minn., see 7; on 13 Hibbing, Minn., see 10; on 22 Brainerd, Minn.,
see 9; on 42 Alexandria and 43 Redwood Falls, Minn., see 5; on 55 River
Falls, Wis., see 28.


 -Duluth-          -Minneapolis/     -Austin-          -Eau Claire, WI-
                    St. Paul-
 3 KDLH (CBS)                        6 KAAL (ABC)     13 WEAU (NBC)
 6 KBJR (NBC)      2 KTCA (PBS)     15 KSMQ (PBS)     18 WQOW (ABC)
 8 WDSE (PBS)      4 WCCO (CBS)      
10 WDIO (ABC)      5 KSTP (ABC)      -Rochester-       -La Crosse, WI-
                   9 KMSP (Ind.)                                   
 -Bemidji-        11 KARE (NBC)     10 KTTC (NBC)      8 WKBT (CBS)
                  23 KTMA (Ind.)                      19 WXOW (ABC) 
 9 KAWE (PBS)     29 KITN (Fox)      -Mason City, IA- 25 WLAX (FOX)
                                                      31 WHLA (PBS)
 -Alexandria-      -Mankato-         3 KIMT (CBS)                       
                                    24 KYIN (PBS)      -Menomonie, WI-
 7 KCCO (CBS)     12 KEYC (CBS)                      
                                                      28 WHWC (PBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 28 and 31 schedule instructional 
classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.

The following channel designations are used in Four-Star Movies, This 
Week's Sports and some cross references:

3D for KDLH, Duluth                 9B for KAWE, Bemidji
6D for KBJR, Duluth                 10D for WDIO, Duluth
8D for WDSE, Duluth                 

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 12 Walker,
Minn., see 7; on 13 Hibbing, Minn., see 10; on 22 Brainerd, Minn., see 9; 
on 42 Alexandria and 43 Redwood Falls, Minn., see 5; on 55 River Falls, 
Wis., see 28.


 -Duluth-          -Minneapolis/     -Austin-          -Eau Claire, WI-
                    St. Paul-
 3 KDLH (CBS)                        6 KAAL (ABC)     13 WEAU (NBC)
 6 KBJR (NBC)      2 KTCA (PBS)     15 KSMQ (PBS)     18 WQOW (ABC)
 8 WDSE (PBS)      4 WCCO (CBS)      
10 WDIO (ABC)      5 KSTP (ABC)      -Rochester-       -La Crosse, WI-
                   9 KMSP (Ind.)                                   
 -Bemidji-        11 KARE (NBC)     10 KTTC (NBC)      8 WKBT (CBS)
                  23 KTMA (Ind.)                      19 WXOW (ABC) 
 9 KAWE (PBS)     29 KITN (Ind.)     -Mankato-        31 WHLA (PBS)
 -Alexandria-      -St. Cloud-      12 KEYC (CBS)      -Menomonie, WI-
 7 KCMT (CBS)     41 KXLI (Ind.)     -Mason City, IA- 28 WHWC (PBS) 
                                     3 KIMT (CBS) 
                                    24 KYIN (PBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 8, 9, 15, 24, 28 and 31
schedule instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 12 Walker,
Minn., see 7; on 13 Hibbing, Minn., see 10; on 55 River Falls, Wis.,
see 28.


 -Duluth-                -Austin-                -Mason City, Iowa-
 3 KDLH (CBS)            6 KAAL (ABC)            3 KIMT (CBS)
 6 KBJR (NBC)           15 KAVT (PBS)           24 KYIN (PBS)
 8 WDSE (PBS)            
10 WDIO (ABC)            -Rochester-             -Eau Claire, Wis.- 

 -Minneapolis/          10 KTTC (NBC)           13 WEAU (NBC)
  St. Paul-                                     18 WQOW (ABC)
                         -St. Cloud-
 2 KTCA (PBS)                                    -La Crosse, Wis.-
 4 WCCO (CBS)           41 KXLI (Ind.)
 5 KSTP (ABC)                                    8 WKBT (CBS)
 9 KMSP (Ind.)           -Alexandria-           19 WXOW (ABC)
11 WTCN (NBC)                                   31 WHLA (PBS)
                         7 KCMT (CBS)
 -Bemidji-                                       -Menomonie, Wis.-
 9 KAWE (PBS)                                   28 WHWC (PBS)
                        12 KEYC (CBS)                              

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 8D, 9B, 15, 24, 28 and 31
schedule instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 12 Walker,
Minn., see 7; on 13 Hibbing, Minn., see 10; on 55 River Falls, Wis.,
see 28.



 2 KTCA-TV (PBS)        12 KEYC-TV (CBS)        13 WEAU-TV (NBC)
 4 WCCO-TV (CBS)                                28 WHWC-TV (PBS)
 9 KMSP-TV (Ind.)                               LA CROSSE, WIS.
11 WTCN-TV (NBC)        10 KTTC-TV (NBC)
                                                 8 WKBT-TV (CBS)
DULUTH                  AUSTIN                  19 WXOW-TV (ABC)
                                                31 WHLA-TV (PBS)
 3 KDLH-TV (CBS)         6 KAAL-TV (ABC)
 6 KBJR-TV (NBC)        15 KAVT-TV (PBS)        For programs on:    See:
10 WDIO-TV (ABC)        MASON CITY, IOWA        (12) Walker, Minn.     7
                                                (13) Hibbing, Minn.   10
ALEXANDRIA               3 KIMT-TV (CBS)
                        24 KYIN-TV (PBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 8D, 24, 28 and 31 schedule
instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day. 


 2 KTCA-TV (NET) 1640 COMO AVE.         3 KDAL-TV (CBS) 425 W. SUPERIOR ST.
   55108                                  55802
 5 KSTP-TV (NBC) 3415 UNIVERSITY 55414    55802
11 WTCN-TV (IND.) 2925 DEAN BLVD.         BUILDING 55802
   55416                               10 WDIO-TV (ABC) 10 OBSERVATION RD.
12 KEYC-TV (CBS) P.O. BOX XII 56001    (Those who watch Ch. 13 in Hibbing 
                                        should consult the listings of 
ALEXANDRIA                              Ch. 10, Duluth.)      
   56308                               SOUTHERN MINNESOTA
                                        6 KAUS-TV (ABC) AUSTIN 55913
(Those who watch Ch. 12 in Walker      10 KROC-TV (NBC) ROCHESTER 55901
should consult the listings of 
Ch. 7, Alexandria.)                    WESTERN WISCONSIN
                                        8 WKBT-TV (CBS) LA CROSSE 54602
MASON CITY, IOWA                       13 WEAU-TV (NBC) EAU CLAIRE 54702


 4 WCCO-TV (CBS) 50 SO. NINTH ST. (2)   6 WDSM-TV (NBC) 230 E. SUPERIOR (2)    
                                        6 KMMT-TV (ABC) HWY. 105 S., AUSTIN
MANKATO                                10 KROC-TV (NBC) 100 1ST, ROCHESTER
12 KEYC-TV (CBS) P.O. BOX XII         
                                       MASON CITY, IOWA
ALEXANDRIA                              3 KGLO-TV (CBS) SECOND AND PA.
                                       WESTERN WISCONSIN
KNMT, Ch. 12, Walker, Minn., carries    8 WKBT-TV (CBS) 141 S. 6TH, LA CROSSE    
the same programming schedule listed   13 WEAU-TV (NBC) EAU CLAIRE 
for KCMT, Alexandria, 7        


         MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL                       DULUTH, MINN.              
 4 WCCO-TV (CBS)..50 So. Ninth St. (2)   3 KDAL-TV (CBS).......Bradley Bldg.(2)
 5 KSTP-TV (NBC)3415 UniversityAv.(14)   6 WDSM-TV (NBC) 230 E. Superior St.(5)
 9 KMSP-TV (Ind.).....Foshay Tower (2)           
11 WTCN-TV (ABC)...2925 Dean Blvd.(16)            WESTERN WISCONSIN
                                         8 WKBT-TV (CBS)..141 S. 6th, La Crosse
          ALEXANDRIA, MINN.             13 WEAU-TV (NBC).............Eau Claire
 7 KCMT (NBC, ABC).....124 W. 7th Ave.
                                                  SOUTHERN MINNESOTA
           MASON CITY, IOWA              6 KMMT-TV (ABC)....Hwy. 105 S., Austin
 3 KGLO-TV (CBS)..........Second & Pa.  10 KROC-TV (NBC)100 1st Ave., Rochester


         MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL                     WESTERN WISCONSIN
 2 KTCA-TV (Educ.)..Cleveland & Carter   8 WKBT-TV (CBS)..141 S. 6th, LaCrosse
 4 WCCO-TV (CBS)..50 S. 9th St., Mpls.  13 WEAU-TV (NBC)............Eau Claire    
 5 KSTP-TV (NBC)..3415 University Ave.                                       
 9 KMSP-TV (Ind.).........Foshay Tower           SOUTHERN MINNESOTA
11 WTCN-TV (ABC).......2925 Dean Blvd.                             
                                        6 KMMT-TV (ABC)....Hwy. 105 S., Austin
             DULUTH, MINN.             10 KROC-TV (NBC)100 1st Ave., Rochester
 3 KDAL-TV (CBS).........Bradley Bldg.
 6 WDSM-TV (NBC)...230 E. Superior St.              NORTHERN IOWA
                                        3 KGLO-TV (CBS)..2nd & Pa., Mason City