New Hampshire Edition

Channel listings are in chronological order, newest first. Logos from an issue appear after its respective channel listings.

Cable systems listed: NEW HAMPSHRE: Adelphia (Claremont, Conway, Lebanon, Londonderry, Merrimack), MetroCast Cablevision (Belmont, Rochester), Time Warner (Berlin, Keene). MAINE: Adelphia (Buxton, Kennebunk), MetroCast Cablevision-Sanford, Time Warner (Moody, Saco). VERMONT: Adelphia (Brattleboro, Springfield).


     Station                             Station

  2  WGBH (PBS) Boston            |  25  WFXT (Fox) Boston   
  3  WCAX (CBS) Burlington, VT    |  26  WMEA (PBS) Biddeford, ME
  4  WBZ (CBS) Boston             |  31  WNNE (NBC) Hartford, VT
  5  WCVB (ABC) Boston            |  35  WPME (UPN) Portland, ME
  6  WCSH (NBC) Portland          |  38  WSBK (UPN) Boston
  7  WHDH (NBC) Boston            |  41  WVTA (PBS) Windsor, VT
  8  WMTW (ABC) Poland Spring, ME |  50  WNDS (Ind.) Derry
  9  WMUR (ABC) Manchester        |  51  WPXT (WB) Portland, ME
 11  WENH (PBS) Durham            |  56  WLVI (WB) Boston
 13  WGME (CBS) Portland, ME      |  60  WPXB (Ind.) Merrimack
 21  WPXG (PAX) Concord           |

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs in New
Hampshire on 15 Hanover, 18 Pittsburg, 49 Littleton, 52 Keene, see 11;
in Maine on 10 Lewiston, see 26; in Vermont on 20 St. Johnsbury and
33 Burlington see 41.

Chs. 11 and 41 schedule instructional classroom programs during the
school year.

Cable systems listed: Adelphia-Springfield, Cable TV of Kennebunk, Community TV-Laconia, Frontiervision (Buxton, Lebanon), Harron (Londonderry, Merrimack), New England CV (Rochester, Sanford), Paragon-Keene, State Cable TV-Conway, Time Warner (Berlin, Brattleboro, Claremont, Saco, Moody ME).


 -Manchester-      -Boston, Mass.-   -Portland/Poland  -Burlington, Vt.-              
                                      Spring, Maine-
 9 WMUR (ABC)      2 WGBH (PBS)                        3 WCAX (CBS)
                   4 WBZ (CBS)       6 WCSH (NBC)
 -Durham-          5 WCVB (ABC)      8 WMTW (ABC)      -Hartford, Vt./
                   7 WHDH (NBC)     13 WGME (CBS)       Hanover, N.H.-
11 WENH (PBS)     25 WFXT (Fox)     35 WPME (UPN)  
                  38 WSBK (UPN)     51 WPXT (Fox)     31 WNNE (NBC)
 -Derry-          56 WLVI (WB)      
                                     -Biddeford-       -Windsor-
50 WNDS (Ind.)       
                                    26 WMEA (PBS)     41 WVTA (PBS)
60 WPXB (Ind.)     
21 WPXG (PAX)        

Though not listed in this edition, a few other stations are available
to some viewers.  W27BL, Ch. 27 in Manchester, carries prime-time and
children's programming from Fox as well as some shows from WMUR, Ch. 9,
an ABC affiliate.  WHSH, Ch. 66 in Marlborough, carries Home Shopping
Network programs seven days a week, and children's and religious
programs on Sunday mornings.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs in New
Hampshire on 15 Hanover, 18 Pittsburg, 49 Littleton, 52 Keene, see 11;
in Maine on 10 Lewiston, see 26; in Vermont on 20 St. Johnsbury and
33 Burlington see 41.

Chs. 11 and 41 schedule instructional classroom programs during the
school year.

Cable systems listed: Americable-Merrimack, Adelphia (Peterborough, Springfield), Cable TV of Kennebunk, Community TV- Laconia, Frontiervision (Buxton, Lebanon), Harron-Londonderry, New England CV (Rochester, Sanford), Paragon-Keene, State Cable TV-Conway, Time Warner (Berlin, Brattleboro, Claremont), TCI-Moody, ME.


 -Manchester-      -Boston, Mass.-   -Portland/Poland  -Burlington, Vt.-
                                      Spring, Maine-
 9 WMUR (ABC)      2 WGBH (PBS)                        3 WCAX (CBS)
                   4 WBZ  (CBS)       6 WCSH (NBC)
 -Durham-          5 WCVB (ABC)       8 WMTW (ABC)     -Hartford, Vt./           
                   7 WHDH (NBC)      13 WGME (CBS)      Hanover, N.H.-
11 WENH (PBS)     25 WFXT (Fox)      35 WPME (UPN)           
                  38 WSBK (UPN)      51 WPXT (Fox)    31 WNNE (NBC)
 -Derry-          56 WLVI (WB)
                                      -Biddeford-      -Windsor-
50 WNDS (Ind.)
                                     26 WMEA (PBS)    41 WVTA (PBS)
21 WNBU (Ind.)                       

Though not listed in this edition, a few other stations are available
to some viewers.  W27BL, Ch. 27 in Manchester, carries prime-time and
children's programming from Fox as well as some shows from WMUR, Ch. 9,
an ABC affiliate.  WGOT, Ch. 60 in Merrimack, offers shop-at-home
programs.  WHSH, Ch. 66 in Marlborough, carries Home Shopping Network
programs seven days a week, and children's and religious programs
on Sunday mornings.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs in New
Hampshire on 15 Hanover, 18 Pittsburg, 49 Littleton, 52 Keene, see 11;
in Maine on 10 Lewiston, see 26; in Vermont on 20 St. Johnsbury and
33 Burlington see 41.

Chs. 11 and 41 schedule instructional classroom programs during the
school year.


 -Manchester-      -Boston, Mass.-   -Portland/Poland  -Burlington, Vt.-
                                      Spring, Maine-
 9 WMUR (ABC)      2 WGBH (PBS)                        3 WCAX (CBS)
                   4 WBZ  (CBS)       6 WCSH (NBC)
 -Durham-          5 WCVB (ABC)       8 WMTW (ABC)     -Hartford, Vt./           
                   7 WHDH (NBC)      13 WGME (CBS)      Hanover, N.H.-
11 WENH (PBS)     25 WFXT (Fox)      51 WPXT (Fox/UPN)           
                  38 WSBK (UPN)                       31 WNNE (NBC)
 -Concord-        56 WLVI (WB)        -Biddeford-           
21 WNBU (Ind.)                       26 WMEA (PBS)
                                                      41 WVTA (PBS)

Though not listed in this edition, a few other stations are available
to some viewers.  W27BL, Ch. 27 in Manchester, carries prime-time and
children's programming from Fox as well as some shows from WMUR, Ch. 9,
an ABC affiliate.  WGOT, Ch. 60 in Merrimack, offers shop-at-home
programs.  WHSH, Ch. 66 in Marlborough, carries Home Shopping Network
programs seven days a week, and children's and religious programs
on Sunday mornings.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs in New
Hampshire on 15 Hanover, 18 Pittsburg, 49 Littleton, 52 Keene, see 11;
in Vermont on 20 St. Johnsbury and 33 Burlington see 41.

Chs. 11 and 41 schedule instructional classroom programs during the
school year.


 -Manchester-      -Boston, Mass.-   -Portland/Poland  -Burlington, Vt.-
                                      Spring, Maine-
 9 WMUR (ABC)      2 WGBH (PBS)                        3 WCAX (CBS)
                   4 WBZ  (NBC)       6 WCSH (NBC)
 -Durham-          5 WCVB (ABC)       8 WMTW (ABC)     -Hartford, Vt./           
                   7 WHDH (CBS)      13 WGME (CBS)      Hanover, N.H.-
11 WENH (PBS)     25 WFXT (Fox)      51 WPXT (Fox)               
                  38 WSBK (Ind.)                      31 WNNE (NBC)
 -Derry-          56 WLVI (Ind.)      -Biddeford-           
50 WNDS (Ind.)                       26 WMEA (PBS)
                                                      41 WVTA (PBS)

60 WGOT (Ind.)                  

Though not listed in this edition, WHSH, Ch. 66 in Marlborough, is
available to some viewers.  The station carries Home Shopping Network
programs seven days a week, and children's and religious programs
on Sunday mornings.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs in New
Hampshire on 49 Littleton, 52 Keene, 59 North Woodstock, see 11;
in Vermont on 20 St. Johnsbury and 33 Burlington see 41.


 -Manchester, N.H.-      -Poland Spring, Maine-  -Windsor-

 9 WMUR (ABC)            8 WMTW (ABC)           41 WVTA (PBS)

 -Durham-                -Portland-              -Boston, Mass.-

11 WENH (PBS)            6 WCSH (NBC)            2 WGBH (PBS)
                        13 WGME (CBS)            4 WBZ  (NBC)
 -Concord-              51 WPXT (Ind.)           5 WCVB (ABC)
                                                 7 WNEV (CBS)
21 WNHT (Ind.)           -Biddeford-            25 WXNE (Ind.)
                                                38 WSBK (Ind.)
 -Derry-                26 WMEA (PBS)           56 WLVI (Ind.)

50 WNDS (Ind.)           -Burlington, Vt.-       -Springfield-

 -Hartford, Vt./         3 WCAX (CBS)           22 WWLP (NBC)
  Hanover, N.H.-


Satellites and their originating stations: for programs in New
Hampshire on 49 Littleton, 52 Keene, 59 North Woodstock, see 11;
in Vermont on 20 St. Johnsbury and 33 Burlington see 41.

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 2, 11, 26 and 41 schedule
instructional programs throughout the broadcast day.

WVJV, Ch. 66 in Marlborough, Mass., carries Home Shopping Network
programs seven days a week.


POLAND SPRING, MAINE    DURHAM                  44 WGBX-TV (PBS)
                                                56 WLVI-TV (Ind.)
 8 WMTW-TV (ABC)        11 WENH-TV (PBS)
PORTLAND                HANOVER
                                                22 WWLP (NBC)
 6 WCSH-TV (NBC)        31 WNNE-TV (NBC)
13 WGAN-TV (CBS)                                WORCESTER
                        BOSTON, MASS.
ORONO                                           27 WSMW-TV (Ind.)
                         2 WGBH-TV (PBS)
12 WMEB-TV (PBS)         4 WBZ-TV (NBC)         BURLINGTON, VT.
                         5 WCVB-TV (ABC)
MANCHESTER, N.H.         7 WNAC-TV (CBS)         3 WCAX (CBS)
                        38 WSBK-TV (Ind.)       33 WETK (PBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 2, 11, 12 and 33 schedule
instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.  


For programs in New Hampshire on 15 Hanover, 40 Berlin, 49 Littleton,
52 Keene, 59 North Woodstock, 70 North Conway see 11; in Vermont on 20
St. Johnsbury, 28 Rutland, 41 Windsor see 33; in Maine on 26 Biddeford,
see 12.


 8 WMTW-TV (ABC)        11 WENH-TV (PBS)        22 WWLP (NBC)
PORTLAND                BOSTON, MASS.           GREENFIELD
 6 WCSH-TV (NBC)        2 WGBH-TV (PBS)         32 WRLP (NBC)
13 WGAN-TV (CBS)        4 WBZ-TV (NBC)                        
                        5 WCVB-TV (ABC)         WORCESTER
ORONO                   7 WNAC-TV (CBS)                        
                       38 WSBK-TV (Ind.)        27 WSMW-TV (Ind.)
12 WMEB-TV (PBS)       44 WGBX-TV (PBS)           
                       56 WLVI-TV (Ind.)        BURLINGTON, VT.
MANCHESTER, N.H.                  
                                                 3 WCAX (CBS)
 9 WMUR-TV (ABC)                                33 WETK (PBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 2, 11, 12 and 33 schedule
instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.  


For programs in New Hampshire on 15 Hanover, 40 Berlin, 49 Littleton,
52 Keene, 59 North Woodstock, 70 North Conway see 11; in Vermont on 20
St. Johnsbury, 28 Rutland, 41 Windsor see 33; in Maine on 26 Biddeford,
see 12.