Northern Wisconsin Edition

Channel listings are in chronological order, newest first. Logos from an issue appear after the station listings for that issue.


 -Green Bay-       -Madison-         -La Crosse/       -Park Falls-      
                                      Eau Claire- 
 2 WBAY (ABC)      3 WISC (CBS)                       36 WLEF (PBS)     
 5 WFRV (CBS)                        8 WKBT (CBS)  
11 WLUK (Fox)      -Wausau/         13 WEAU (NBC)      -Upper Peninsula-      
14 WIWB (WB)        Rhinelander-             
26 WGBA (NBC)                        -Milwaukee-       3 WJMN (CBS)
32 WACY (UPN)      7 WSAW (CBS)                        5 WBKP (ABC)
38 WPNE (PBS)      9 WAOW (ABC)      4 WTMJ (NBC)      6 WLUC (NBC)          
                  12 WJFW (NBC)      6 WITI (Fox)     13 WNMU (PBS)     
                  20 WHRM (PBS)     10 WMVS (PBS)                     
                  55 WFXS (Fox)     12 WISN (ABC)                       
                                    18 WVTV (WB)                                   
                                    24 WCGV (UPN)                    
                                    58 WDJT (CBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 13, 20, 36 and 38 schedule
instructional classroom programs during the school year.

In the sports guide and some cross references, 3M refers to WISC in
Madison, 5C refers to WBKP in Marquette, 6M refers to WLUC in 
Marquette, 12R refers to WJFW, Rhinelander and 13E refers to WEAU,
Eau Claire.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 3 Escanaba,
Mich., see 5; on 28 Eau Claire, 31 La Crosse and 55 Ellison Bay, Wis., 
see 38; on 22 Sturgeon Bay, see 26.

WB   The WB Network is available on some cable systems in the following
areas and uses the following local station identification: Traverse
City-Cadillac: WBVC; Marquette: WBMK; Wausau-Whinelander: WBWA.


 -Green Bay-       -Madison-         -La Crosse/       -Park Falls-      
                                      Eau Claire- 
 2 WBAY (ABC)      3 WISC                             36 WLEF (PBS)     
 5 WFRV (CBS)        (CBS/UPN)       8 WKBT (CBS)  
11 WLUK (Fox)                       13 WEAU (NBC)      -Upper Peninsula-      
14 WIWB (WB)       -Wausau/                  
26 WGBA (NBC)       Rhinelander-     -Milwaukee-       3 WJMN (CBS)
32 WACY (UPN)                                          5 WBKP (ABC)
38 WPNE (PBS)      7 WSAW (CBS)      4 WTMJ (NBC)      6 WLUC (NBC)          
                   9 WAOW (ABC)      6 WITI (Fox)     13 WNMU (PBS)     
                  12 WJFW (NBC)     10 WMVS (PBS)                     
                  20 WHRM (PBS)     12 WISN (ABC)                       
                  55 WFXS (Fox)     18 WVTV (WB)                                   
                                    24 WCGV (UPN)                    
                                    58 WDJT (CBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 13, 20, 36 and 38 schedule
instructional classroom programs during the school year.

In the sports guide and some cross references, 3M refers to WISC in
Madison, 5C refers to WBKP in Marquette, 6M refers to WLUC in 
Marquette, 12R refers to WJFW, Rhinelander and 13E refers to WEAU,
Eau Claire.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 3 Escanaba,
Mich., see 5; on 28 Eau Claire, 31 La Crosse and 55 Ellison Bay, Wis., 
see 38; on 22 Sturgeon Bay, see 26.

WB   The WB Network is available on some cable systems in the following
areas and uses the following local station identification: Traverse
City-Cadillac: WBVC; Marquette: WBMK; Wausau-Whinelander: WBWA.


 -Green Bay-       -Madison-         -La Crosse/       -Park Falls-      
                                      Eau Claire- 
 2 WBAY (ABC)      3 WISC                             36 WLEF (PBS)     
 5 WFRV (CBS)        (CBS/UPN)       8 WKBT (CBS)  
11 WLUK (Fox)                       13 WEAU (NBC)      -Upper Peninsula-      
14 WIWB (WB)       -Wausau/                  
26 WGBA (NBC)       Rhinelander-     -Milwaukee-       3 WJMN (CBS)
32 WACY (UPN)                                          5 WBKP (ABC)
38 WPNE (PBS)      7 WSAW (CBS)      4 WTMJ (NBC)      6 WLUC (NBC)          
                   9 WAOW (ABC)      6 WITI (Fox)     13 WNMU (PBS)     
                  12 WJFW (NBC)     10 WMVS (PBS)                     
                  20 WHRM (PBS)     12 WISN (ABC)                       
                                    18 WVTV (WB)                                   
                                    24 WCGV (UPN)                    
                                    58 WDJT (CBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 13, 20, 36 and 38 schedule
instructional classroom programs during the school year.

In the sports guide and some cross references, 3M refers to WISC in
Madison, 5C refers to WBKP in Marquette, 6M refers to WLUC in 
Marquette, 12R refers to WJFW, Rhinelander and 13E refers to WEAU,
Eau Claire.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 3 Escanaba,
Mich., see 5; on 28 Eau Claire, 31 La Crosse and 55 Ellison Bay, Wis., 
see 38; on 22 Sturgeon Bay, see 26.

WB   The WB Network is available on some cable systems in Traverse
City-Cadillac and uses WBVC for its local station identification.


 -Green Bay-       -Madison-         -La Crosse/       -Park Falls-      
                                      Eau Claire- 
 2 WBAY (ABC)      3 WISC                             36 WLEF (PBS)     
 5 WFRV (CBS)        (CBS/UPN)       8 WKBT (CBS)  
11 WLUK (Fox)                       13 WEAU (NBC)      -Upper Peninsula-      
14 WPXG (PAX)      -Wausau/                  
26 WGBA (NBC)       Rhinelander-     -Milwaukee-       3 WJMN (CBS)
32 WACY (UPN)                                          5 WBKP (ABC)
38 WPNE (PBS)      7 WSAW (CBS)      4 WTMJ (NBC)      6 WLUC (NBC)          
                   9 WAOW (ABC)      6 WITI (Fox)     13 WNMU (PBS)     
                  12 WJFW (NBC)     10 WMVS (PBS)                     
                  20 WHRM (PBS)     12 WISN (ABC)                       
                                    18 WVTV (WB)                                   
                                    24 WCGV (UPN)                    
                                    58 WDJT (CBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 13, 20, 36 and 38 schedule
instructional classroom programs during the school year.

In the sports guide and some cross references, 3M refers to WISC in
Madison, 5C refers to WBKP in Marquette, 6M refers to WLUC in 
Marquette, 12R refers to WJFW, Rhinelander and 13E refers to WEAU,
Eau Claire.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 3 Escanaba,
Mich., see 5; on 28 Eau Claire, 31 La Crosse and 55 Ellison Bay, Wis., 
see 38; on 22 Sturgeon Bay, see 26.

WB   The WB Network is available on some cable systems in Traverse
City-Cadillac and uses WBVC for its local station identification.


 -Green Bay-       -Wausau/          -Milwaukee-       -Park Falls-      
 2 WBAY (ABC)                        4 WTMJ (NBC)     36 WLEF (PBS)     
 5 WFRV (CBS)      7 WSAW (CBS)      6 WITI (Fox)
11 WLUK (Fox)      9 WAOW (ABC)     10 WMVS (PBS)      -Marquette,Mich.-      
26 WGBA (NBC)     12 WJFW (NBC)     12 WISN (ABC)
32 WACY (UPN)     20 WHRM (PBS)     18 WVTV (WB)       3 WJMN (CBS)
38 WPNE (PBS)                       24 WCGV (Ind.)     5 WBKP (ABC)
                   -La Crosse/-     58 WDJT (CBS)      6 WLUC (NBC)
 -Madison-          Eau Claire-                       13 WNMU (PBS)    
 3 WISC            8 WKBT (CBS)                                    
   (CBS/UPN)      13 WEAU (NBC)                       

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 13, 20, 36 and 38 schedule
instructional classroom programs during the school year.

In Sports and some cross references, 3M refers to WISC in Madison,
5C refers to WBKP in Marquette, 6M refers to WLUC in Marquette, 12R
refers to WJFW, Rhinelander and 13E refers to WEAU, Eau Claire.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 3 Escanaba,
Mich., see 5; on 28 Eau Claire, 31 La Crosse and 55 Ellison Bay, Wis., 
see 38; on 22 Sturgeon Bay, see 26.


 -Green Bay-       -Wausau-          -Milwaukee-       -Park Falls-      

 2 WBAY (ABC)      7 WSAW (CBS)      4 WTMJ (NBC)     36 WLEF (PBS)     
 5 WFRV (CBS)      9 WAOW (ABC)      6 WITI (Fox)
11 WLUK (Fox)     20 WHRM (PBS)     10 WMVS (PBS)      -Rhinelander-      
26 WGBA (NBC)                       12 WISN (ABC)
32 WACY (UPN)      -La Crosse-      18 WVTV (WB)      12 WJFW (NBC)
38 WPNE (PBS)                       24 WCGV (UPN)  
                   8 WKBT (CBS)     58 WDJT (CBS)      -Marquette,Mich.-
                   -Eau Claire-                        5 WBKP (ABC)
 3 WISC                                                6 WLUC (NBC)
   (CBS/UPN)      13 WEAU (NBC)                       13 WNMU (PBS)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 13, 20, 36 and 38 schedule
instructional classroom programs during the school year.

In Sports and some cross references, 5C refers to WBKP in Marquette,
6M refers to WLUC in Marquette, 12R refers to WJFW, Rhinelander and
13E refers to WEAU, Eau Claire.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 3 Escanaba,
Mich., see 5; on 28 Eau Claire, 31 La Crosse and 55 Ellison Bay, Wis., 
see 38; on 22 Sturgeon Bay, see 26.


 -Green Bay-        -Wausau-          -Milwaukee-       -Park Falls-

 2 WBAY (CBS)       7 WSAW (CBS)      4 WTMJ (NBC)     36 WLEF (PBS)
 5 WFRV (ABC)       9 WAOW (ABC)      6 WITI (CBS)
11 WLUK (NBC)      20 WHRM (PBS)     10 WMVS (PBS)      -Rhinelander-
26 WGBA (Ind.)                       12 WISN (ABC)
38 WPNE (PBS)       -La Crosse-      18 WVTV (Ind.)    12 WJFW (NBC) 
                                     24 WCGV (Fox)
 -Appleton-         8 WKBT (CBS)                        -Marquette, MI-
32 WXGZ (Fox)       -Eau Claire-                        6 WLUC (CBS, NBC) 
                                      3 WISC (CBS)     13 WNMU (PBS)
                   13 WEAU (NBC)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 13, 20, 36 and 38 schedule 
instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.

In Sports Calendar, Previews, Movies Day by Day and some cross references,
6M refers to WLUC in Marquette; 12R refers to WJFW in Rhinelander; and 13E
refers to WEAU in Eau Claire.

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 3 Escanaba,
Mich., see 5; on 19 La Crosse and 27 Madison, Wis., see 9; on 28 Eau
Claire, 31 La Crosse and 55 Ellison Bay, Wis., see 38.


 -Green Bay-             -Milwaukee-             -Eau Claire-

 2 WBAY (CBS)            4 WTMJ (NBC)           13 WEAU (NBC)
 5 WFRV (NBC)            6 WITI (CBS)
11 WLUK (ABC)           10 WMVS (PBS)            -Park Falls-
26 WLRE (Ind.)          12 WISN (ABC)
38 WPNE (PBS)           18 WVTV (Ind.)          36 WLEF (PBS)
 -Wausau-                -Madison-               -Rhinelander-
 7 WSAW (CBS)            3 WISC (CBS)           12 WAEO (NBC)
 9 WAOW (ABC)                         
20 WHRM (PBS)            -La Crosse-             -Marquette, Mich.-
 7 WSAW (CBS)            8 WKBT (CBS)            6 WLUC (CBS, ABC)
 9 WAOW (ABC)                                   13 WNMU (PBS)

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 3 Escanaba,
Mich., see 5; on 19 La Crosse and 27 Madison, Wis., see 9; on 28 Eau
Claire, 31 La Crosse and 55 Ellison Bay, Wis., see 38.


GREEN BAY               WAUSAU                  MILWAUKEE     

 2 WBAY-TV (CBS)         7 WSAU-TV (CBS)         4 WTMJ-TV (NBC)
 5 WFRV-TV (NBC)         9 WAOW-TV (ABC)         6 WITI-TV (CBS)
11 WLUK-TV (ABC)        20 WHRM-TV (PBS)        10 WMVS-TV (PBS)
38 WPNE-TV (PBS)                                12 WISN-TV (ABC)
                        LA CROSSE               18 WVTV (Ind.)
EAU CLAIRE                          
                         8 WKBT-TV (CBS)        MADISON       
13 WEAU-TV (NBC)                      
                        CHICAGO                  3 WISC-TV (CBS)
                         2 WBBM-TV (CBS)        For programs on:    See:
12 WAEO-TV (NBC)        12 Mid. to 5 AM only
                         9 WGN-TV (Ind.)        ( 3) Escanaba, Mich.   5
MARQUETTE, MICH.                                (19) La Crosse, Wis.   9
 6 WLUC-TV (CBS, ABC)   DETROIT                 (28) Eau Claire, Wis.\38
13 WNMU-TV (PBS)                                (31) La Crosse, Wis. /
                       50 WKBD-TV (Ind.)

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 10, 13, 20 and 38 schedule 
instructional classroom programs throughout the broadcast day.

The logos below are from the 4/8/78 issue, which features the same listings as above.

The logos below are from the 12/10/77 issue, which features the same listings as above.