Western Illinois Edition

Channel listings are in chronological order, newest first. Logos from an issue appear after its respective channel listings.


 -Quad Cities-           -Quincy-                -Macomb-

 4 WHBF (CBS)            7 KHQA (CBS)           22 WMEC (PBS)  
 6 KWQC (NBC)           10 WGEM (NBC)                       
 8 WQAD (ABC)           27 WQEC (PBS)            -Peoria-     
18 KLJB (Fox)                                   
24 WQPT (PBS)            -Springfield-          19 WHOI (ABC)  
26 KGWB (WB)                                    25 WEEK (NBC)  
36 KQCT (PBS)           14 WSEC (PBS)           31 WMBD (CBS)
                        20 WICS (NBC)           47 WTVP (PBS)             
 -Kirksville, Mo./      55 WRSP (Fox)           59 WAOE (UPN)
  Ottumwa, Iowa-        
 3 KTVO (ABC)                                    
15 KYOU (Fox, UPN)                              43 WYZZ (Fox)

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 26
Burlington, Iowa, see 18; on 61 Sterling, Ill., see 36 and on 65
Springfield, see 14.

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 12W, 22, 24, 27 and 36
schedule instructional classroom programs during the school year.

WB   The WB Network is available on some cable systems in the following
areas and uses the following local station identifications: Ottumwa-
Kirksville: KWOT; Peoria: WBPE; Quincy-Hannibal: WEWB.


 -Quad Cities-           -Quincy-                -Macomb-

 4 WHBF (CBS)            7 KHQA (CBS)           22 WMEC (PBS)  
 6 KWQC (NBC)           10 WGEM (NBC)                       
 8 WQAD (ABC)           27 WQEC (PBS)            -Peoria-     
18 KLJB (Fox)                                   
24 WQPT (PBS)            -Springfield-          19 WHOI (ABC)  
26 KGWB (WB)                                    25 WEEK (NBC)  
36 KQCT (PBS)           14 WSEC (PBS)           31 WMBD (CBS)
                        20 WICS (NBC)           47 WTVP (PBS)             
 -Kirksville, Mo./      55 WRSP (Fox)           59 WAOE (UPN)
  Ottumwa, Iowa-        
 3 KTVO (ABC)                                    
                                                43 WYZZ (Fox)

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 26
Burlington, Iowa, see 18; on 61 Sterling, Ill., see 36 and on 65
Springfield, see 14.

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 12W, 14, 22, 24, 27 and 36
schedule instructional classroom programs during the school year.

WB   The WB Network is available on some cable systems in the following
areas and uses the following local station identifications: Ottumwa-
Kirksville: KWOT; Peoria: WBPE; Quincy-Hannibal: WEWB.


 -Quad Cities-           -Quincy-                -Macomb-

 4 WHBF (CBS)            7 KHQA (CBS)           22 WMEC (PBS)  
 6 KWQC (NBC)           10 WGEM (NBC)                       
 8 WQAD (ABC)           27 WQEC (PBS)            -Peoria-     
18 KLJB (Fox)                                   
24 WQPT (PBS)            -Springfield-          19 WHOI (ABC)  
36 KQCT (PBS)                                   25 WEEK (NBC)  
                        14 WSEC (PBS)           31 WMBD (CBS)
 -Kirksville, Mo./      20 WICS (NBC)           47 WTVP (PBS)             
  Ottumwa, Iowa-        55 WRSP (Fox)           59 WAOE (UPN)
 3 KTVO (ABC)                                    -Bloomington-

                                                43 WYZZ (Fox)

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 26
Burlington, Iowa, see 18; on 61 Sterling, Ill., see 36 and on 65
Springfield, see 14.

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 12W, 14, 22, 24, 27 and 36
schedule instructional classroom programs during the school year.

WB   The WB Network is available on some cable systems in the following
areas and uses the following local station identifications: Ottumwa-
Kirksville: KWOT; Peoria: WBPE; Quincy-Hannibal: WEWB.


 -Quad Cities-           -Quincy-                -Macomb-

 4 WHBF (CBS)            7 KHQA (CBS)           22 WMEC (PBS)  
 6 KWQC (NBC)           10 WGEM (NBC)                       
 8 WQAD (ABC)           27 WQEC (PBS)            -Peoria-     
18 KLJB (Fox)                                   
24 WQPT (PBS)            -Springfield-          19 WHOI (ABC)  
36 KQCT (PBS)                                   25 WEEK (NBC)  
                        14 WSEC (PBS)           31 WMBD (CBS)
 -Kirksville, Mo./      20 WICS (NBC)           47 WTVP (PBS)             
  Ottumwa, Iowa-        55 WRSP (Fox) 
 3 KTVO (ABC)                       
                                                43 WYZZ (Fox)

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 26
Burlington, Iowa, see 18; on 61 Sterling, Ill., see 36 and on 65
Springfield, see 14.

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 12W, 14, 22, 24, 27 and 36
schedule instructional classroom programs during the school year.

WB   The WB Network is available on some cable systems in the following
areas and uses the following local station identifications: Ottumwa-
Kirksville: KWOT; Peoria: WBPE; Quincy-Hannibal: WEWB.


 -Quad Cities-           -Quincy-                -Peoria-

 4 WHBF (CBS)            7 KHQA (CBS)           19 WHOI (ABC)  
 6 KWQC (NBC)           10 WGEM (NBC)           25 WEEK (NBC)             
 8 WQAD (ABC)           27 WQEC (PBS)           31 WMBD (CBS)     
18 KLJB (Fox)                                   47 WTVP (PBS)
24 WQPT (PBS)            -Macomb-            
36 KQCT (PBS)                                    -Bloomington-
                        22 WMEC (PBS)
 -Kirksville, Mo./                              43 WYZZ (Fox)
  Ottumwa, Iowa-         -Springfield-

 3 KTVO (ABC)           14 WSEC (PBS)            
                        20 WICS (NBC)
                        55 WRSP (Fox)

Satellites and their originating stations: for programs on 26
Burlington, Iowa, see 18; on 61 Sterling, Ill., see 36 and on 65,
see 14.

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 12W, 14, 22, 24, 27 and 36
schedule instructional classroom programs during the school year.


 -Quad Cities-           -Bloomington-           -Springfield-

 4 WHBF (CBS)           43 WYZZ (Fox)           14 WSEC (PBS) 
 6 KWQC (NBC)                                   20 WICS (NBC)
 8 WQAD (ABC)            -Quincy-               55 WRSP (Fox)
18 KLJB (Fox)
24 WQPT (PBS)            7 KHQA (CBS)            -Kirksville, Mo./
36 KQCT (PBS)           10 WGEM (NBC)             Ottumwa, Iowa-
                        27 WQEC (PBS)
 -Peoria-                                        3 KTVO (ABC)
19 WHOI (ABC)                                    -Burlington, Iowa-
25 WEEK (NBC)           22 WMEC (PBS)
31 WMBD (CBS)                                   26 KJMH (Fox)

Satellite and its originating station: for programs on 61 Sterling,
Ill., see 36 and on 65, see 14.                        

In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 12W, 14, 22, 24, 27 and 36
schedule instructional classroom programs during the school year.


 -Quad Cities-           -Bloomington-           -Springfield-

 4 WHBF (CBS)           43 WYZZ (Fox)           20 WICS (NBC) 
 6 KWQC (NBC)                                   55 WRSP (Fox)
 8 WQAD (ABC)            -Quincy-                             
18 KLJB (Fox)                                    -Jacksonville-
24 WQPT (PBS)            7 KHQA (CBS)          
                        10 WGEM (NBC)           14 WSEC (PBS)    
 -Peoria-               27 WQEC (PBS)
                                                -Kirksville, Mo./ 
19 WHOI (ABC)            -Macomb-                Ottumwa, Iowa-
25 WEEK (NBC)                                 
31 WMBD (CBS)           22 WMEC (PBS)            3 KTVO (ABC)
47 WTVP (PBS)                                         
                                                 -Burlington, Iowa-

                                                26 KJMH (Fox) 


 -Quad Cities-           -Bloomington-           -Quincy-

 4 WHBF (CBS)           43 WYZZ (Fox)            7 KHQA (CBS)
 6 KWQC (NBC)                                   10 WGEM (NBC)
 8 WQAD (ABC)            -Peoria-               27 WQEC (PBS)
18 KLJB (Ind.)
24 WQPT (PBS)           19 WHOI (ABC)            -Kirksville, Mo./
                        25 WEEK (NBC)             Ottumwa, Iowa-
 -Springfield-          31 WMBD (CBS)
                        47 WTVP (PBS)            3 KTVO (ABC)
55 WRSP (Fox)            -Jacksonville-          -Burlington, Iowa-

                        14 WSEC (PBS)           26 KJMH (Fox)


                        22 WMEC (PBS)


 -Quad Cities-           -Peoria-                -Quincy-

 4 WHBF (CBS)           19 WHOI (ABC)            7 KHQA (CBS)
 6 KWQC (NBC)           25 WEEK (NBC)           10 WGEM (NBC)
 8 WQAD (ABC)           31 WMBC (CBS)           27 WQEC (PBS)
18 KLJB (Ind.)          47 WTVP (PBS)
24 WQPT (PBS)                                    -Kirksville, Mo./
                         -Jacksonville-           Ottumwa, Iowa-
                        14 WJPT (PBS)            3 KTVO (ABC)
55 WRSP (Fox)            -Macomb-                -Burlington, Iowa-

 -Bloomington-          22 WIUM (PBS)           26 KJMH (Fox)

43 WYZZ (Fox)         


ROCK ISLAND             MOLINE                  DAVENPORT, IOWA
 4 WHBF-TV (CBS)         8 WQAD-TV (ABC)         6 WOC-TV (NBC)

 7 KHQA-TV (CBS, ABC)   14 WJJY-TV (ABC)        For those who watch:
10 WGEM (NBC, ABC)                                             See
                        SPRINGFIELD                       listings for:
PEORIA                  20 WICS-TV (NBC)       (35) LaSalle      25
19 WIRL-TV (ABC)                               (71) LaSalle-Peru 31
31 WMBD-TV (CBS)         3 KTVO-TV (CBS,NBC,ABC)