University Heights - Manhattan, KS

Current weather updated every 5 minutes.

Current conditions in University Heights as of 8:34pm CT on 02/18/25
Temperature Dew Point Relative Humidity
NOW-0.1 °F NOW-4.8 °F NOW80 %
MAX2.5 °F / 2:16pm MAX-2.0 °F / 12:00am MAX84 % / 12:00am
MIN-3.0 °F / 6:24am MIN-7.0 °F / 5:11am MIN80 % / 2:16pm
Wind Speed Barometer Precipitation
NOWNNE (30°)
15.0 mph
NOW30.774 in
Rising Slowly
NOW0.00 in
Storm Total: 0.00 in
MAX23.0 mph / 4:28am MAX30.777 in / 8:32pm NOWRain Rate: 0.00 in/hr
AVGLast 10 min: 6.0 mph MIN30.553 in / 1:33am MAXRain Rate: 0.00 in/hr
Wind Chill Heat Index Solar Radiation
NOW-11.9 °F NOW-0.2 °F NOW0 W/m2
MIN-18.0 °F / 4:30am MAX3.0 °F / 2:16pm MAX179 W/m2 / 12:50pm
2" Soil Temperature 4" Soil Temperature Evapotranspiration
NOW31.0 °F NOW34.0 °F DAY0.008 in
MAX31.0 °F / 12:00am MAX34.0 °F / 12:00am MO0.498 in
MIN31.0 °F / 12:00am MIN34.0 °F / 12:00am YR1.088 in
Sunrise Sunset 4" Soil Moisture
NOW 7:13am NOW 6:07pm NOW--- cb

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Monthly Extremes:

Temperature64.3 °F -6.4 °F
Dew Point46.0 °F -11.0 °F
Barometer30.777 in 29.711 in
Heat Index/Wind Chill62.0 °F -18.0 °F
Wind Speed27.0 mph
Precipitation 0.21 in

Yearly Extremes:

Temperature64.3 °F -12.0 °F
Dew Point46.0 °F -18.0 °F
Barometer30.874 in 29.545 in
Heat Index/Wind Chill62.0 °F -18.0 °F
Wind Speed28.0 mph
Precipitation 1.44 in